

BEC口语8— Letter of credit
编辑:0次 | 浏览:3122次 词条创建者:miaomiaoxsi     创建时间:10-11 00:44

摘要:Useful sentences: 1、We'll open the confirmed credit in your farvor. 2、We've opened the confirmed and irrevocable credit in your favor. 3、We are pleased to inform you that we have been requested t[阅读全文]

Extending Credit
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1582次 词条创建者:nico378024265     创建时间:08-22 17:53
标签: 英语成语

摘要:( allow a customer to pay at a future time for goods given now; lend someone money to be paid back later ... ) Extending credit is allowing them to have it now but not pay for it until later. Example[阅读全文]