

a fair-weather friend
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标签: 英语成语

摘要:a fair-weather friend (酒肉朋友)   “酒肉朋友好找,患难之交难逢”?未必。不过,生活中,难免会遇到这样的“朋友” ―― 他信誓旦旦,即使为你两肋插刀也在所不惜。节骨眼上,或者弃你不顾,视同路人;或者[阅读全文]

Under The Weather
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1729次 词条创建者:nico378024265     创建时间:08-09 20:53
标签: 成语

摘要:( not feeling well ... ) To say that someone is "under the weather" is to say that they are not feeling very well. Example: "What's wrong?" Answer: "I'm a bit under the weather." They probabl[阅读全文]

Lesson 38:Everything except the weather
编辑:2次 | 浏览:1963次 词条创建者:lumin     创建时间:11-25 00:05
标签: 新概念英语 新概念英语笔记 新概念网络视频 新概念MP3

摘要:英文文本 Everything except the weather First listen and then answer the question. Why did Harrison sell his house so quickly? My old friend, Harrison, had lived in the Mediterranean for many years b[阅读全文]