

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1564次 词条创建者:bleuclair     创建时间:05-20 10:43
标签: emotions

摘要:话说人是这世界上最复杂的动物,那么人与人之间的感情自然也不会简单到哪儿去。今天咱们就来说说各种感情纠葛的英语表达方式。   1.I don't want to be the third wheel。   我不想当电灯泡。   2. He is dat[阅读全文]

English idioms with emotions
编辑:0次 | 浏览:3494次 词条创建者:Joycehan     创建时间:07-25 10:04
标签: english idioms emotions

摘要::-)All these idioms mean that you are absolutely delighted!over the moon: "He was over the moon when he heard the news."thrilled to bits: "She was thrilled to bits with her new bicycle."in seventh[阅读全文]