

factory, mill, plant, works的区别
编辑:0次 | 浏览:5747次 词条创建者:Kitten     创建时间:09-24 23:12
标签: factory mill plant works

摘要:这四个词都可表示“工厂”,注意以下用法: 1. factory 泛指一般意义的“工厂”,是最普通,用得最广泛的一个词。如: a clothing factory 服装厂 a glass factory 玻璃厂 a food factory 食品厂 a paper factory 造[阅读全文]

component, element, factor, ingredient 辨析
编辑:0次 | 浏览:6623次 词条创建者:Joanne     创建时间:08-18 16:36
标签: component element factor ingredient

摘要:component, element, factor, ingredient这一组名词都有"组成成分"的意思。component n.零部件;(某事物的)组成部分;成分。Tires, the engine, the body, and the seats are component of a car.轮胎,引擎,车身[阅读全文]

Specific factors model
编辑:0次 | 浏览:2091次 词条创建者:liumaner_123     创建时间:07-16 12:05
标签: Specific factors

摘要:In this model, labour mobility between industries is possible while capital is immobile between industries in the short-run. Thus, this model can be interpreted as a 'short run' version of the Hecks[阅读全文]