

sport,game 辨析
编辑:0次 | 浏览:2721次 词条创建者:Joanne     创建时间:07-25 17:34
标签: Sport game

摘要:【辨析】1)当sport 泛指一切运动或户外活动、消遣、娱乐时,是不可数名词。 【例】I’m fond of sport.我喜爱运动。 He is keenly interested in sport.他对户外运动极感兴趣。 Sport指一种具体运动方式或具体户外活[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1714次 词条创建者:Amanda~     创建时间:07-20 14:38
标签: play games meditation eat for your brain tell good stories exercise your body read sth. different learn a new skill make simple changes train your brain

摘要:Top 10 Ways To Improve Your Brain FitnessBrain fitness has basic principles: variety and curiosity. When anything you do becomes second nature, you need to make a change. If you can do the crossword p[阅读全文]