摘要: 词汇为基础 考研英语学习的过程中,完型填空题型的攻克,是以掌握一定的词汇量为基础的。而词汇量的提高并非是数字的简单推理。而应该是灵活应辨的能力。有些同学在记忆词汇的过程中,背熟了若干本考研词汇书之后仍然[阅读全文]
摘要: 2011年的考研即将拉开大幕,对于很多考生而言,一年的努力即将在考试得到检验。希望大家在将主要精力放在阅读和写作之余,也不要忽略其他小分值题型,比如翻译部分。翻译部分一向被广大考生视为头疼的部分,但如果备[阅读全文]
摘要: 2011年考研进入攻坚阶段,现阶段如何有效计划考研尤为重要。考研英语复习重点在阅读和写作。 阅读理解需要每天读文章。 虽然真题已近做过很多遍,但是,英语阅读速度的提高是建立在流利读文章的基础之上,因[阅读全文]
摘要: 考研英语与四六级有本质区别,不仅考试内容上有区别,通过率也有很大的区别。考研英语是让少数人通过的淘汰性质的考试,比四六级难得多。 从2005年起,考研英语阅读部分增设了"新题型",旨在"考查考生对诸如连贯性[阅读全文]
摘要: I've been working on the railroad All the live-long day I've been working on the railroad Just to pass the time away Can't you hear the whistle blowing? Raise up so early in the[阅读全文]
摘要: Joy in living comes from having fine emotions, trusting them, giving them the freedom of a bird in the open. Joy in living can never be assumed as a pose, or put on from the outside as a mask. People[阅读全文]
摘要: ALWAYS HAVE A DREAM 永不放弃梦想 Forget about the days when it's been cloudy, 忘掉你的失意日子, But don't forget your hours in the sun. 但不要忘记黄金的时光。 Forget about the times you've been de[阅读全文]
摘要: 1.A school can only be excellent when it is filled with outstanding teachers. 一个学校因杰出的老师而成为名校。 2.A teacher who is passionate and loves his subject will always have successful students.[阅读全文]
摘要: 1.拨开听力的层层迷雾 凡耳朵正常的中国人,没有一个人会感到汉语听力会有困难,不管是评书相声还是晚会连续剧,只要你说得津津有味,我就听得明明白白,从来不存在听力困难。 可说起英语听力来,英语听力却让咱中国[阅读全文]
摘要: I am nature's greatest miracle. 我是自然界最伟大的奇迹。 Since the beginning of time never has there been another with my mind, my heart, my ears, my hands, my hair, my mouth. None that came before,[阅读全文]
摘要: Think Positive Thoughts Every Day 积极看待每一天 If your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and the motivation that you need, sometimes all you have to do is shift your point of vie[阅读全文]
摘要: Today I will be master of my emotions. 今天我学会控制情绪。 The tides advance; the tides recede. Winter goes and summer comes. summer wanes and the cold increases. The sun rises; the sun sets. The moo[阅读全文]
摘要: 前段时间与同事讨论,谈到学生语音语调的问题,都感到孩子普遍缺乏英语语感,他们的听说话动中的语音的轻重缓急,语调的抑扬顿挫几乎没有,由此在听说内容时不能很好的表现出相应的情感,体验等.因为语感是建立在听说基础上[阅读全文]
摘要: [阅读全文]
摘要: That day he decreased the distance between him and the ship by three miles; the next day by two-for he was crawling now as Bill had crawled; and the end of the day found the[阅读全文]