Finding Friends
Finding Friends
Discuss friendship, love and marriage. Finding friends, language partners on Internet.
Favorite|RSS Credits: 41|Main group: admin
  Threads Author/Time Replies Lastest Post
I want to make friends kiki-han 2013-9-4 515146 davidjuyong2024-3-28 14:16
How many years have been learning english zhfbelief 2014-10-18 615960 sunnyv2015-12-19 15:19
I‘m new Alabama 2012-12-22 13953 fangfeline2015-8-20 18:49
what's the meaning of 'helicoll' coobiler 2013-1-3 14558 fangfeline2015-8-20 18:45
what do you think bigcat 2013-1-20 13932 fangfeline2015-8-20 18:37
Which of the two men will you marry? Ausfrank 2013-2-23 44734 Rene2014-10-23 20:36
Learning a foreign language is similar to learning a programming language? saint1633 2011-7-5 22611 ScarlettSoong2014-10-22 15:10
what english level u want to reach?  ...23 rainbowgirl 2011-5-21 2912898 ScarlettSoong2014-10-22 14:58
Are you now in the last year of college? I am. Anyone the same? island89 2012-10-9 43305 ScarlettSoong2014-10-22 14:47
what if a man have an outmarriage affair though he is a good husband at home? leexiu2006 2013-3-27 54525 ScarlettSoong2014-10-22 14:44
Do you believe pure friendship really exist between a man and a woman? leexiu2006 2013-4-2 56458 ScarlettSoong2014-10-22 14:24
How to educate backward students? leexiu2006 2013-8-31 56551 DavidHume2014-9-7 23:35
make friends Florrence 2010-3-22 12438 Sandy0032014-1-21 11:32
How TO Return To Normal If You Feel At A Loss leexiu2006 2013-4-16 15260 Tange2013-10-5 15:54
DioEnglish also begins to implant the game advertisement wangruyuzhuwei 2012-8-27 12508 chenghui01072012-11-10 09:16
Language exchange partners periscope8 2011-10-21 22705 chenghui01072012-10-10 17:58
Have you ever been there? island89 2012-10-9 02303 island892012-10-9 16:45
new comer! bwu.kenny 2012-5-26 12221 loong2012-9-8 13:51
best way to learn chinese Sweetshaniii 2011-12-30 12608 anniesandy2012-8-30 17:24
The parents and the boyfriend,which you choose? summer2188 2011-12-15 62934 Abear2012-8-15 00:31

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