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Shares Inward Exploration
teadrinking 2024-3-15 16:31
When time is surrendered to solitude, life quietly withdraws from the public eye. Henceforth, amidst the ebb and flow of existence, the crescent moon of the soul remains a steadfast companion in the darkest moments. Farewell to the pursuit of materialism ushers in a burgeoning of spiritual wings. T ...
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Shares Sometimes, you are always scolded on your right.
Sophia.JIANG 2024-3-12 18:57
There seems to be less reader in this English Blog Web than before, though I still use it as a way to record my mind as there is no other where to express. 翻译 搜索 复制 Today I was scolded on being late to the surgery room. It was said "As a resident doctor, you should take company with yo ...
222 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares Nature's Masterpiece
teadrinking 2024-3-8 21:30
The trees around me are erupting in a chapter of vibrant greens. Each bud, a tiny emerald fist, uncurls to reveal its heart, tender and new like a newborn's. It's a season of genesis, where everything awakens, stretching and yawning towards the sun. Like a hidden code being unveiled, the very esse ...
135 views|0 replies
Shares Believe and Achieve
teadrinking 2024-3-7 20:36
Success is no happenstance, and failure bears no shame. Rather than languishing in inertia, it's wiser to boldly venture forth, for therein lie the chances of breakthrough. Often, excessive wavering and hesitation only render one indecisive. The path ahead is paved with relentless effort and unwave ...
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Shares Prosperity of Spring
teadrinking 2024-3-4 22:17
As the gentle drizzle unfurls the curtain of spring, delicate willow buds eagerly awaken, promising a breathtaking bloom in mere weeks. Each raindrop baptizes the earth, rendering the lakes crystal clear, inviting observers to marvel at the hidden wonders beneath. Under the warm caress of ...
199 views|2 replies Hot 1
Shares March
Sumingyu 2024-3-1 16:29
1 Don ' t believe what you see. This can cheat you and me. Most times we ' re just blind To falseness hidden behind. 2 Why take a woman to wife? She'll ruin my peaceful life. Now I choose to live alone. I could survive on my own. 3 Temptation seems to recede. I'm ashamed of recent deed. ...
394 views|0 replies
Shares Pages of Wisdom
teadrinking 2024-2-29 19:27
The broader my experiences, the deeper my comprehension of the world around me becomes. Each stroll reveals new perspectives, while every journey introduces me to diverse phenomena. Moreover, the act of reading contributes to a continual enrichment of my intellect. Concurrently, a true friend is no ...
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Shares Hello
teadrinking 2024-2-28 22:42
Dear Joey, Embarking on the journey of life, we sail across a path with an unknown destination, yet we can be certain that earnest effort yields fruitful results. As men, humility is our cornerstone. Through learning, acceptance, observation, and exploration, we refine ourselves, dedicatin ...
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Shares Solitude: Path to Growth
teadrinking 2024-2-27 22:31
Embracing solitude is not a melancholic affair; rather, it serves as a forge for fortifying one's inner resolve and resilience. Within the cocoon of solitude, one can meticulously nurture the facets of their being, thereby elevating their spiritual and existential dimensions. While companionship f ...
141 views|0 replies
Shares Inner Strength
teadrinking 2024-2-26 20:48
The true essence of strength extends far beyond superficial appearances, finding its roots deep within the recesses of one's spirit—an unwavering bastion of resilience. This inner fortitude grants individuals the capacity to conquer adversities without faltering, to repeatedly rise from the ashes ...
165 views|0 replies


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