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Shares How to be a good man in the ture world?
davidjuyong 2024-5-10 15:55
Hello. Everyone! How do you do! It is a long period , we have not written something here. I miss you so much. due to ,there are many things happened during this period. please tell me how to be a good man.
121 views|0 replies
Shares To Beijing for Training
Stroamer 2024-5-8 11:46
Oct.17, 2008 S chool asked Armed Police, Fuling Branch for a car to send CMK and me to Jiangbei Airport on Oct.17. My wife accompanied me to Chongqing. O ur daughter came to her grandma ’ s home to have dinner together. W e finished dinner before 6 p.m. and got ready to l ...
133 views|0 replies
Shares Why did not Japan Bear War Responsibilities as Germany?
bulong_zai 2024-5-4 14:56
I once learned Japanese and German, and I also have been to Japan and Germany, so I can say I know a little more about the two countries than my common Chinese fellows . From newspapers and TV, I know that German governme ...
136 views|0 replies
Shares Notice Finally Came
Stroamer 2024-5-3 16:00
Oct.14, 2008 I got the notice from CQNU to send my bank account to them, but they didn ’ t tell me when to leave. I only heard from other volunteers we would leave for Beijing on Oct.17. I didn ’ t believe because they di ...
134 views|0 replies
Shares A New Message
Stroamer 2024-5-2 11:39
Sept.24, 2008 On the afternoon of Sept.22, I got a call from one of the volunteer teachers and she told me that she phoned Hanban and they answered that we could leave in mid-October. W hen asked whether we would get together in Beijing, they said it depends. L ater ...
134 views|0 replies
Shares May
Sumingyu 2024-5-1 11:11
They have reason to despise, For I ’ m common and unwise. No hope to let others realize The unique craft that I prize.
195 views|31 replies
Shares May It Well
teadrinking 2024-4-30 20:49
As May emerges on the horizon, it signals a fresh start and prompts reflection on the canvas of April. Last month, rain dominated the scene, its arrival often sudden and unannounced. Yet, rather than dampening spirits, it brought a sense of serenity. Rain isn't merely a meteorological event; it's ...
119 views|0 replies
Shares Quiet in Spirit
teadrinking 2024-4-29 20:12
In those fleeting moments of tranquility, when I finally find solace, I realize that the world is once again mine to embrace. I treasure and deeply relish these periods when I am undisturbed. So often, we find ourselves ensnared in the trivialities of life, unable to pursue our true passions. Espe ...
146 views|0 replies
Shares Another Day
Stroamer 2024-4-29 18:13
Sept.17, 2008 Another Day was spent at home. Y esterday something was wrong with the wireless of my laptop computer. I tried to fix it until one a.m., but failed. T his morning I worked on it for half a day and found out the Windows Management Program cou ...
106 views|0 replies
Shares Waiting
Stroamer 2024-4-25 15:52
Sept.11 to Oct.14,2008 I gave only one week ’ s lessons in my school this semester. During the summer holidays, it was almost certain that I would go abroad to teach Chinese. I passed the training test, oral test and physical examination, but I st ...
119 views|0 replies


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