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Shares 林业法规英译:中华人民共和国湿地保护法(3)
bulong_zai 2024-2-22 16:41
第四章   湿地修复    Chapter 4 Wetland Restoration 第三十七条     县级以上人民政府应当坚持自然恢复为主、自然恢复和人工修复相结合的原则,加强湿地修复工作,恢复湿地面积,提高湿地生态系统质量。 Article 37 The people's governments at or above the county level ...
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Shares 林业法规英译:中华人民共和国湿地保护法(2)
bulong_zai 2024-2-22 16:39
第二十一条     除因防洪、航道、港口或者其他水工程占用河道管理范围及蓄滞洪区内的湿地外,经依法批准占用重要湿地的单位应当根据当地自然条件恢复或者重建与所占用湿地面积和质量相当的湿地;没有条件恢复、重建的,应当缴纳湿地恢复费。缴纳湿地恢复费的,不再缴纳其他相同性质的恢复费用。 Article ...
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Shares 林业法规英译:中华人民共和国湿地保护法(1)
bulong_zai 2024-2-22 16:34
中华人民共和国湿地保护法 Law of the People's Republic of China on Wetland Protection ( 2021 年 12 月 24 日第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三十二次会议通过) (Adopted at the 32nd Session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's ...
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Shares Introduciton to Myself for You
bulong_zai 2024-2-22 16:25
My name is Bulong Zai, was born in 1964, the Year of the Dragon, and will retire this year, another Year of the Dragon. I am a senior forestry engineer at a public institution under a provincial forestry department. I like English and Japanese, and worked as a part-time translator many times. ...
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Shares the Difficulty
ada23 2024-2-19 21:05
The difficulty is usually detected whenyou lack something in the whole handling process. Admit you are unable to control it with you willpower or efforts, efforts is never ever enough in place. Accept your short of knowledge, & ...
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Shares The Joy of Tidying
teadrinking 2024-2-17 21:02
Regular tidying is indispensable, encompassing not only the organization of work documents, reading materials, and household furnishings but also the relaxation and refinement of one's mood and spiritual world. With the passage of time, the accumulation of items around us can lead to difficulties ...
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Shares Awakening Earth
teadrinking 2024-2-16 20:55
In a fleeting moment, winter's hush is gone, Welcoming spring's arrival with the dawn. In this time of rebirth, the bird's nest anew, Becomes a sanctuary for life's debut. The rain-soaked earth, bathed in sun's embrace, Exudes an earthy scent, a prelude in grace. Foreshadowi ...
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Shares Diary 1
freefu55 2024-2-16 16:49
After long days of the winter coldness, it is so pleasant that the warm spring is coming with another beginning of everything. I have to say nature is always in its beauty and my plan is still going on. Green leaves are growing, flowers are blooming, in such a good time of year I havn't forget my go ...
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Shares the Contrast
ada23 2024-2-15 20:55
It is still freezing if you stay outside. But the nature is in different side. The ever-green trees readily receive the winds, the leafs briskly dancing with its rhythm. The stark trees conceal the potential power waitin ...
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Shares Arrival of Spring
teadrinking 2024-2-15 18:55
The gentle rhythm of drizzle, a celestial prelude to the concert of spring, graces the earth with its delicate touch, bestowing upon it the precious gift of renewal. As the Spring Festival heralds the awakening of nature, a vibrant grandeur of life unfurls before us. With each droplet that ...
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