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Shares Because of having beautiful people, I hope that the world
叩_81O6407__ 2023-9-17 11:16
Effort does not necessarily yield rewards; Wait, often it's just a waste of time. Many times in life, making choices is easy, but it affects the rest of our lives; Every choice determines what kind of people and things we meet, and these people and things converge into our values. We cannot choos ...
24 views|0 replies
Shares Wings will come from the east and cherish
叩_81O6407__ 2023-9-17 11:16
Effort does not necessarily yield rewards; Wait, often it's just a waste of time. Many times in life, making choices is easy, but it affects the rest of our lives; Every choice determines what kind of people and things we meet, and these people and things converge into our values. We cannot choos ...
21 views|0 replies
Shares people and things converge into our values
叩_81O6407__ 2023-9-17 11:16
Effort does not necessarily yield rewards; Wait, often it's just a waste of time. Many times in life, making choices is easy, but it affects the rest of our lives; Every choice determines what kind of people and things we meet, and these people and things converge into our values. We cannot choos ...
21 views|0 replies
Shares making choices is easy, but it affects
叩_81O6407__ 2023-9-17 11:16
Effort does not necessarily yield rewards; Wait, often it's just a waste of time. Many times in life, making choices is easy, but it affects the rest of our lives; Every choice determines what kind of people and things we meet, and these people and things converge into our values. We cannot choos ...
45 views|9 replies
Shares protecting safety and tranquility
叩_81O6407__ 2023-9-17 11:15
protecting safety and tranquility is the most beautiful life here; The world has never experienced the pain and sadness you have experienced, which is the devastation of life and property. The materials inherited by our ancestors from the world have long relieved them of any worries about those triv ...
21 views|0 replies
Shares beautiful life here; The world has never
叩_81O6407__ 2023-9-17 11:15
protecting safety and tranquility is the most beautiful life here; The world has never experienced the pain and sadness you have experienced, which is the devastation of life and property. The materials inherited by our ancestors from the world have long relieved them of any worries about those triv ...
20 views|0 replies
Shares experienced darkness and has always relied on
叩_81O6407__ 2023-9-17 11:15
protecting safety and tranquility is the most beautiful life here; The world has never experienced the pain and sadness you have experienced, which is the devastation of life and property. The materials inherited by our ancestors from the world have long relieved them of any worries about those triv ...
20 views|0 replies
Shares I am a person who has experienced darkness
叩_81O6407__ 2023-9-17 11:15
protecting safety and tranquility is the most beautiful life here; The world has never experienced the pain and sadness you have experienced, which is the devastation of life and property. The materials inherited by our ancestors from the world have long relieved them of any worries about those triv ...
21 views|0 replies
Shares I understand things in the world in my
叩_81O6407__ 2023-9-17 11:15
protecting safety and tranquility is the most beautiful life here; The world has never experienced the pain and sadness you have experienced, which is the devastation of life and property. The materials inherited by our ancestors from the world have long relieved them of any worries about those triv ...
20 views|0 replies
Shares There are very few flowers that bloom
叩_81O6407__ 2023-9-17 11:15
Winter is a season that is not so enjoyable. The cold wind is piercing and cold, covered in ice and snow. Everything has long lost its luster, and there are too many trees that are bare. There are no flowers competing for beauty in spring, no lotus flowers in the pond in summer, and no gingko trees ...
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