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Sponsored link: Some useful and practical books that will help you to improve your English writing skills.
Shares Lessons in Growth
teadrinking 2023-8-27 21:26
In realms of bonds where hearts entwine, A truth emerges, clear and fine, No relation thrives devoid of trust, No love endures without the just. For in the fabric of this life, Existence weaves a tale of strife, Yet every thread, both dark and bright, Contributes to our e ...
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Shares The Call in Whispers
teadrinking 2023-8-26 22:27
In autumn's clasp, labor's reward we trace, As nature paints transitions on fall's canvas grace. Warmth and coolness waltz, a golden embrace, Creative essence blooms, a tranquil space. A bridge betwixt halves, this season's role, Facilitating shifts, nurturing each soul. Mom ...
255 views|0 replies Hot 1
Shares Night Serenity
teadrinking 2023-8-26 00:23
Beneath the expansive drape of the night sky, a mesmerizing concerto emerges as the creatures of the dark unite in an ensemble of sounds. The nocturnal insects, with their intricate melodies, compose a harmonious chorus that reverberates through the tranquil air. Accompanying their tune, a delicat ...
108 views|0 replies
Shares 2023-08-23
Dempsey 2023-8-23 21:24
Loneliness is a man's greatest pain.For him alife existingin a lonely world, there is no company.But if a person standsoverthe worldand looks over it, all that he sightswill be his wealth. Sometimes I can't understand what I wrote& ...
105 views|0 replies
Shares 23 August
Sumingyu 2023-8-23 10:42
The sky is very blue and clean. Only white clouds can be seen. Accompanied by a soft breeze, I cycle past these green trees. 24 August Rain and heat begin to recede. Of them cabbages are in need. Now that weather has got dry, Anyhow I won't only stand by. 25 August We won't make steamed bre ...
147 views|0 replies
Shares Keep Alive, Keep Passion
2amlittle 2023-8-22 20:01
passion is the most important thing in one's life. And to be keep in passion the most important thing for one to do is to be kind to others. A kind heart is an open heart and an open heart would accept any things that happen in his or her life or any other's life. Imagine that if you can accept all ...
259 views|2 replies Hot 1
Shares Afternoon Coolness
teadrinking 2023-8-22 18:00
Amidst the languorous expanse of this afternoon, the celestial sphere at last orchestrates the entrance of a fugitive rain shower. The tempestuous winds, imbued with unrestrained zeal, direct a symphony of their own, as liquid pearls cascade forth, rendering a lavish benediction upon the very fabr ...
127 views|0 replies
Shares Solo Sailing
teadrinking 2023-8-19 22:41
Don't go all out trying to win the 'Impress Others Olympics' or enroll in the 'Understanding Other People's Pains' course. Trust me, the real deal only clicks when you've been through the theme park of life yourself. It's like having a secret recipe that only you get to taste-test. And oh boy, eve ...
108 views|0 replies
Shares Resilience in Every Stitch
teadrinking 2023-8-18 18:55
Inspiration is not a fleeting emotion, but a potent force cultivated through unwavering pursuit of passions and interests. It is this persistent dedication that reveals deep wellsprings of motivation, propelling us forward and emboldening our endeavors. This fervor becomes a constant companion, in ...
97 views|0 replies
Shares 18 August
Sumingyu 2023-8-18 12:37
Many teachers gather at the hall Hearing lectures not funny at all. Today we'll get home a little late. Each person must patiently wait. 20 August When both of them are absent, In any way I would be present. The crisis could arrive one day. I must ask for leave in dismay. 22 August I ...
118 views|0 replies


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