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Sponsored link: Some useful and practical books that will help you to improve your English writing skills.
Shares Summer Symphony
teadrinking 2023-5-15 10:51
Spring fades away as summer quietly arrives, unveiling a vibrant tapestry in nature. Amidst the abundance of blossoms, a fierce competition ensues as flowers vie for attention, each flaunting its unique beauty and charm. They burst forth in a kaleidoscope of colors, permeating the air with their f ...
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Shares Enjoyment at the beginning of summer
teadrinking 2023-5-12 21:12
As the nocturnal chorus of frogs resonates through the stillness of the night, and the essence of early summer permeates the air, an ambiance of quietude and subtle coolness engulfs the surroundings. In this idyllic moment, one finds oneself standing amidst the tranquil abyss, relinquishing the tu ...
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Shares Expand Perspectives and Embrace Curiosity
teadrinking 2023-5-12 00:01
Everything happened can be a fantastic story, even it is as plain as a petty trivia. The volume of horizon can be measured by the recognition and awareness. The more we experienced, the better we understand the world around us. Being in the world, mingling amid people, wandering around woods and an ...
151 views|0 replies
Shares 11 May
Sumingyu 2023-5-11 13:02
Tender sprouts began to appear And quite sooner than last year. A plastic covered tiny seed bed, Warm damp just as small shed. 12 May This matron has a voice loud Enough to stop drifting cloud. As a route sweeper in brown, She works north of the town. 15 May This was quite a busy weekend. ...
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Shares Jean Christophe
teadrinking 2023-5-10 23:03
From Jean Christophe , I admit how powerful a man's will is. It is to do with the connection to all the protagonist's life experience from his birth to cradle. With all he suffered and struggled and loved and compromised and ultimately become well-known, he grew to be mature peacefully and ac ...
197 views|0 replies
Shares Delightful Day in the Park: A Young Boy's Nature's Revelry
teadrinking 2023-5-9 21:25
Today is a splendid day, characterized by a radiant sun and a gentle zephyr. In the verdant park, a young lad revels in the delightful weather. He dons lightweight attire and strides with a buoyant gait along the arboreal avenue. He gazes upward at the azure firmament and billowy cumulus, r ...
134 views|0 replies
Shares 8 May
Sumingyu 2023-5-8 13:06
They leave the young behind. On return parent cannot find, For it's been seized as game. Then whom we are to blame? 9 May Two unretired died some room. Now the third awaits his doom. Wang has been dangerously ill. And this bad news casts a chill. 10 May A quilt was sent from homeland. Age ...
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Shares May Day as always
teadrinking 2023-5-6 09:02
Overloaded scenery and highways are collapsed, not a single day is free for traveling. Beauty of nature does not manifest any of tranquility among crammed tourists. Yet cars still join in the flood of tourism. And people are in lines struggling for ticket booking and restaurant reserving. Aftermath ...
133 views|0 replies
Shares 4 May
Sumingyu 2023-5-4 10:22
Seduced and deserted pure Tess. The country lass got into a mess. Beauty and honesty could cause; Or design to claim kin with lords. 5 May It should have broken so soon When I was digging afternoon. Then trunk of that young tree Can substitute and satisfy me. 6 May I visit flat between rus ...
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Shares Option
teadrinking 2023-4-28 15:12
It was nearly impossible to book tickets, which confirms my belief that if I have the option, I should avoid traveling during holidays like May Day. By planning ahead and choosing alternative dates, I can ensure that my journey goes smoothly without any unexpected delays or difficulties.
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