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Shares Blow away
teadrinking 2023-4-12 22:07
A sandstorm came out of the blue, Covering the land in a dusty hue, Feeling down, but there's hope anew, For better weather will soon ensue.
2171 views|0 replies
Shares 12 April
Sumingyu 2023-4-12 11:33
I returned brother's large jar. It's completed its task so far. Pickled vegetables kept well. Changed water of bad smell. 13 April Yesterday the wind was wild. And now weather turns mild. I cycled hastily or likely late. Relaxed then at school gate. 14 April I add some water to ink, For ...
162 views|0 replies
Shares Daily productivity and mindfulness
teadrinking 2023-4-11 22:03
Each day is a unique opportunity that can be either meaningful or dull depending on how we choose to spend it. If we engage in productive activities, it can be fulfilling, while idling away our time can be a waste. While we cannot control every aspect of our day, we can try to add more color and e ...
167 views|0 replies
Shares 6 April
Sumingyu 2023-4-7 10:52
tThe bold men fight against fire. They are heroes I very admire. When the others flee for scare, They should charge just there. 10 April Anyway I won't attend the show. Of the art how would they know? I can then hardly agree to write, Even if they may come to invite. 11 April Not warm en ...
181 views|0 replies
Shares Over time of the rain
teadrinking 2023-4-6 16:11
Constantly and repeatedly, rain is always the theme of spring, and enhanced during the Qingming festival. Now and then, it stops for a while, then it continues to dominate the rest of a day. It fully reflects the damp weather in the atmosphere of melancholy. Melody of raindrops is the display of na ...
178 views|0 replies
Shares Communication
teadrinking 2023-4-5 20:38
In communication, the more words we know, the better and more accurate we can express. But it is important to note that we should not overuse words, especially those ones seldom used or uncommon which will not help people understand better, instead, they are likely to be confused. All in all, we ...
268 views|0 replies
Shares Being in the time
teadrinking 2023-4-4 23:03
Time is a valuable resource that is hard to obtain once we lost it. It gives us the moment to grow to be big in appearance and to be mature in mentality. We learn to be more considerable and be knowing to choose and forgive and compromise and cherish for the once-in-a-life-time opportunity to live ...
315 views|0 replies
Shares As ordinary as a plain flower
teadrinking 2023-4-3 20:39
Sweat does not imply bitterness, instead it enhances one's will and generates the sense of achievement once the thing being done is deserved. Something great is not asking for being somebody important or becoming a wealthy man, while it lies in deeds finished by the pursuit of dreams and self-value ...
290 views|0 replies
Shares 3 April
Sumingyu 2023-4-3 10:34
Now yellow flowers are in sight, Which may not give me delight. They are likened to the maiden. And I'm unaware of the reason. 4 April The attending crisis comes again. Their conscience can still remain. I should pacify sister-in-law first, Then get prepared for the worst. 5 April Owing to ...
194 views|0 replies
Shares Forward
teadrinking 2023-4-2 22:35
Time is passing by whatever we hold it or not, it never stops to wait for us. As the change of everything, we also have to follow what we are gifted otherwise we are highly likely to lose everything. We shall never do anything beyond our capacities. A day of living is enough for its meaning of exis ...
175 views|0 replies


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