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Shares Renewable moment
teadrinking 2023-3-23 23:36
The thunder has waked up the land. And the rain is the theme in the late March. In this animate season, jubilancy of enjoyment is ongoing more vigorously. It is the moment with abundant flowers and tourists which is bringing limitless imagination and expectation.
295 views|0 replies
Shares 21 March
Sumingyu 2023-3-22 09:26
Mother often fails to recognize. When old, we may do likewise. Now eldest sister has to leave. I told her simply not to grieve. 22 March Eldest sister felt rather sad. Mother also in a mood bad. And she chose to withdraw. I dislike to see them abhor. 23 March They hear translation without d ...
169 views|0 replies
Shares 12 March
Sumingyu 2023-3-21 09:18
I planted onions turning so dry To ensure good reserve supply. In boxes of soil they may grow. Take inside at temperature low.
123 views|0 replies
Shares 20 March
Sumingyu 2023-3-20 13:58
I should have foreseen this before. She really can't be here any more. She is ill and needs constant care. In attending how could she share?
143 views|0 replies
Shares Wonderland
teadrinking 2023-3-19 20:28
The white pear flowers along with the breath of spring are perfectly decorating the yard. In the company of rain, trees are well watered. Not far away from the field rapeseed flowers are catching up with the pace of blossoming. Not only are flowers flourishing, but also every living creature is sei ...
162 views|0 replies
Shares Sudden cold wave
teadrinking 2023-3-18 20:06
Due to the sudden temperature falling, everyone has to put on thick clothes again. Within a week, it went from summer-like weather to the cold winter. Some northern provinces even suffered severe snow. Uncertainty always happens to deserve the preparedness for potential events. Anyway,warm da ...
303 views|0 replies
Shares Worth for the existence
teadrinking 2023-3-17 19:52
Persistence is not a slogan but an action that we can execute it constantly. Sometimes we are inspired, encouraged, advocated, motivated and suggested to be brave, positive, aggressive and diligent as a warrior to fight against destiny. Somehow it is as correct as it said to be so, yet, what we nee ...
195 views|0 replies
Shares 17 March
Sumingyu 2023-3-17 12:30
Against wind I ride with effort;. My sweat moistens inner shirt. And before wind with big load, My bike moves lightly on road.
171 views|0 replies
Shares 16 March
Sumingyu 2023-3-16 12:04
Eldest sister will come today. And I hope she'd like to stay. So elder brother can be free. But wonder if she's to agree.
152 views|0 replies
Shares Perfection after rainbow
teadrinking 2023-3-15 22:08
The ongoing warmth cultivates the maturity of spring. As the best moment in a year, nothing else is willing to relinquish the chance of development. Amid the competition of blossom, flowers race on their own merits. Slight scent is all around, bringing the intoxication for the moment of admiration. ...
252 views|0 replies


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