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jpliu: “Haven’t seen him for a week”motorbiketaxi driver Hu,“Maybe ill,in his 70s.”9 days later this morn a sweeper:“Too hot to come he said.I saw him here yester.”I know I can still enjoy his Shaobin ...
Yesterday  19:40 Reply|
jpliu: A heavy shower over,Dr Z sat on a bench by the slide smoking leisurely,a tea bottle beside.I mentioned DH park,he said:“Long time no go.It’s cooler,I’ll be there,some of them are suspicious if not. ...
The day before yesterday 08:37 Reply|
jpliu: It is money that is hot.Ms He added after telling us her pleasant night in a shopping mall last Sunday:I got only 60yuan yest,I’ve to work.A security in the subway said:I never take days off,no money ...
3 days ago Reply|
jpliu: Two-child families like their children to be a boy & a girl. Yet in my eyes, two boys, grown up together in competition and cooperation, are more likely to be a“great vessel”.
4 days ago Reply|
jpliu: Ms He is a paradox.She mumbles often on coming in or before leaving:Time flies…Yester she came in sweat all  over: What a day! She then added lightheartedly: No worry, heat will be over in 2 months.
6 days ago Reply|
jpliu: Learning to be orderly I classify toys:vehicles,balls,blocks,books…are put together in separate containers“Shall we play football?”The boy is away & quickly back with balls fr where they belong to ...
2024-7-19 05:09 Reply|
jpliu: Youtiao (deepfried dough stick,2.5yuan) not healthy? You’re wrong.A meat steamed-bun at Babi is 2yuan;a bigger meat one at a well-known restaurant is 2.5yuan.Still,Youtiao is popular,if not popularer ...
2024-7-18 09:38 Reply|
jpliu: Take the middle road.On the left is the sideroad for bikes & runners.The right is the trail by the river where people walking fast by.It is the lane in the middle for pedestrians with few pedestrians ...
2024-7-17 09:24 Reply|
jpliu: I never write what I’ve written but take photos what I’ve taken.That proves my undoing.Today in2013 saw my photo of a man with a dog chatting with a lady w a baby.I never again take such good photos ...
2024-7-16 19:53 Reply|
jpliu: The road was flooded with a sudden downpour. A man appeared who waded across to a sewer by the roadside. He squatted to pick up several tree leaves from its cover. Water was flowing down in torrents.
2024-7-14 10:00 Reply|
jpliu: 40 Yuan for a cup of coffee in JAKC mall early in the year cost me a haircut for 5 times,once chancing upon a serving-community activity.Too dear for a sip? We were lucky to find a table to sit.
2024-7-13 07:59 Reply|
jpliu: Not far on entering Yuanmingyuan park, the boy asked her mother:“Anything in your bag that I can eat?”Mother:“Nothing, in the shop.”“Then buy something for me.”“We haven’t seen anything yet.” ...
2024-7-9 09:37 Reply|
jpliu: There are several breakfast outlets and food stands in the neighborhood. But to some residents, there is only one or two, where they are fed for breakfast, dining-in or takeout, most of the time.
2024-7-1 07:30 Reply|
jpliu: Visitors are no more than health inspectors. Daughter & son-in-law are expecting colleagues for lunch. Needless to say the rooms look this morning like when we move in not very long.
2024-6-29 10:32 Reply|
jpliu: “Immune system weak, you’re prone to catch cold with weather changing. Then you’re well to days of flu,you catch cold again.”An old lady sighed to her pal under a roof from rain.
2024-6-28 11:49 Reply|
jpliu: People in the community come and go,plastic bags in hand of grocery from market.Few people are seen morning with plastic bags of breakfast like me with Baozi,Jianbin,Youtiao and like.They order them.
2024-6-27 08:12 Reply|
jpliu: Two cars parked at the entrance of a community garage, a gap just wide enough for a car to pass through.A man tried in vain to drive in jamming the way behind. All drivers are not professionals.
2024-6-23 08:50 Reply|
jpliu: When a child is born,a photo is taken every day, then every few days, every month,every few months, every year, every few years until then…(How to grow old)
2024-6-20 07:31 Reply|
jpliu: “What you see is soil,not coal.”Father told me when taking me to his open-pit mine for a visit where I saw a line of trucks roaring to & fro by.
2024-6-16 11:32 Reply|
jpliu: Ever since the plants around the big rock outside the living area with its name carved on it were newly dressed up,the naughty kids are no longer seen climbing up & down on it for fun.
2024-6-15 10:28 Reply|


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