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2020-1-28 14:58 Reply|
s300679: Its time to say goodbye to current employers. nearly two years went by, need to say farewell to boss and colleagues
2020-1-13 10:25 Reply|
loong: Hi. Winter. December. And I think Santa Claus is the earliest delivery.
2019-12-24 14:56 Reply|
Candy.liu: Long long long time no see, i nearly forgot i have this blog. It's a nice space for me at one time. And i forgot something happened to me, oh no, how time flies.
  • admin: Welcome back   (12-20 11:25)
2019-12-17 13:54 Reply|
sedgehead: I'm back!  Now, I just need to drag my lazy bones out of bed!
2019-11-16 22:20 Reply|
loong: Eventually, i log into this blog web by PC, my passionate gonna vanished, cuz of my damned imac, which is needed to launch up for one hours, what s the heck!!!!!, now i again to restart to meet u.
2019-11-14 12:05 Reply|
loong: feeling curious.  feeling confuzzing. why when i start to blog something here.  and the PC launch like retarded snail?
2019-11-14 11:37 Reply|
loong: I wondered  why cant dioenglish develop an App?  
  • empty~empty: That is a  question (12-17 23:19)
  • loong: Hard to deal (9-9 12:23)
2019-11-14 11:22 Reply|
loong: what happened to that damned iMac. I try to open it.  45 minutes needed
2019-11-14 11:21 Reply|
loong: What a long time! When I come to visit dioenglish.com, I wonder it is still opening!
2019-11-14 11:06 Reply|
loong: I come back here to read, anyone still keep blogging here or tweeting here?
2019-11-14 11:05 Reply|
voiceheart: Time is flying, many  things had happened,let me feel joy and grief. Now, l'm here, and calm,just  to think about the  future……
2019-10-26 21:25 Reply|
Translator: Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment, not only about survival.
2019-8-10 20:58 Reply|
Translator: The two things that change your life are the people you meet and books you read.
  • teadrinking: Quite right. To be with good people and to read good books help us improve and grow. (8-7 22:45)
2019-8-3 20:49 Reply|
wangjide01: Have a short rest after days work.
2019-7-31 09:54 Reply|
wangjide01: I begining to read the english edition book slowly,  I think I can do better after reading for a long time.
2019-7-25 18:37 Reply|
wangjide01: Borrowed a English edition book from community library,  trying to read to get more information and knowledge.
2019-7-22 09:27 Reply|
wangjide01: Have a short distance trival from my community to the Pudong airport by my motocycle, it's nice to have the cool wind in the evening.
2019-7-19 14:29 Reply|
wangjide01: My wife telephone me that our car was scratched this morning, this is the third times since we bought the car three monthes ago. she was depressed for her poor driving skills. That's OK. It just tool.
2019-7-16 13:30 Reply|
wangjide01: Have a bad cold these days, hoarse throat, clear nose and cough. Haven't had a so bad cold for many years.  Hope the condition will be better tomorrow.
2019-7-15 09:32 Reply|


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