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teadrinking: Here it comes, Winter.
2023-11-12 09:54 Reply|
teadrinking: A nice day meets with a joyful mood.
2023-11-11 11:09 Reply|
teadrinking: The best moments inhabit every bit of life.
2023-11-9 17:45 Reply|
teadrinking: Get down to business.
2023-11-8 13:43 Reply|
Sophia.JIANG: So tired, everyday. To be a doctor in this country could take away all of your passion and satisfy for this career, which ought to be admirable and outstanding. Especially for research meantime.
2023-10-31 22:14 Reply|
teadrinking: Great day ascribes to its richness.
2023-10-16 14:10 Reply|
teadrinking: Beauty of nature, peace of mind, power of action.
2023-10-15 23:17 Reply|
teadrinking: What are you waiting for? Just hang in there and move forward. And then You are gonna be great.
2023-8-31 19:58 Reply|
叩_81O6407__: 阿斯达
2023-8-14 15:38 Reply|
s300679: does china need a emperor to put all people into prison?
2023-5-30 15:32 Reply|
yvonneandmandy: Every one can be our teacher even a child in three years old. So be modest.
2023-4-23 15:32 Reply|
s300679: Greek proverb:“A great place,a great solitude.”
2023-2-12 15:38 Reply|
teadrinking: Not a single day is meaningless unless you have caved in corruption.
2023-1-5 21:45 Reply|
s300679: I go back to work today after contracting virus and being tested nagative
2022-12-22 11:21 Reply|
muli200807: I am learning all kinds of languages.
2022-11-22 07:13 Reply|
Xtasy: try to write something, but have nothing to say...
  • teadrinking: Just try, anything you want can be the inspiration for writing (8-20 08:27)
  • Xtasy: Thanks for the encouragement. I'll have a try. (8-22 09:03)
2022-8-19 09:48 Reply|
s300679: what happened to your will happen to you same again
2022-7-4 16:27 Reply|
s300679: I am back again .
2022-7-4 16:26 Reply|
teadrinking: Summer
2022-5-23 16:05 Reply|
teadrinking: What's wrong with dioenglish? Admin, if you are available, please check it and manage it to be normal again. Thanks.
2022-3-30 21:26 Reply|


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