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teadrinking: Summer
2022-5-23 16:05 Reply|
teadrinking: What's wrong with dioenglish? Admin, if you are available, please check it and manage it to be normal again. Thanks.
2022-3-30 21:26 Reply|
qianwen: What we really possess is only today, so cherish it. My dear.
2022-3-19 22:51 Reply|
s300679: they are never been able to come to the grips with the fact that thay re bankrupt
2022-2-14 15:08 Reply|
s300679: the country is in the grips of economic crisis in decades compounded by coronavirus pandemic
2022-2-14 15:04 Reply|
s300679: I have to settle for the second best if anything else available
2022-2-14 14:59 Reply|
s300679: the proposals have met with stiff oppostions
2022-2-14 14:56 Reply|
s300679: the fighting raged along the border since both sides accuse  other side of trying to seize the ancient temple which is dated back to 2000 years ago
2022-2-10 16:14 Reply|
s300679: state is upping the petrel price and maybe it cause turnoil
2022-2-10 15:27 Reply|
s300679: It's clear that littel incursion will not cause serious punishment
2022-2-10 15:27 Reply|
s300679: It seems that there is only overt celebration on state-owned media but  people pay less  attention to winter olympics beijing . there is no favor in the city of beijing , people can do not see  games.
2022-2-10 15:23 Reply|
s300679: this sage elienate the public from  government
2022-2-8 11:25 Reply|
s300679: economist expect growth to pick up in a good clip
2022-2-8 11:23 Reply|
s300679: i am alienated from my family in home town that's sad
2022-2-8 11:22 Reply|
s300679: the former senator is now in custody
2022-1-30 21:47 Reply|
s300679: the footage in social media showed waves crashed into house
2022-1-30 21:42 Reply|
s300679: we  have to get prepared for every eventuality
2022-1-27 18:54 Reply|
s300679: much of the groudwork has been done
2022-1-27 18:53 Reply|
s300679: nationalist sentiment will be dangerous and disastrous
2022-1-27 18:51 Reply|
s300679: if your life is beginning to feel like a runaway train take grab a cord and jump off it
2022-1-27 18:49 Reply|


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