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Life for work? NO

522 views. 2013-3-27 11:09

          After the Spring Festival, commiting to the work, I found that I was so busy that I could hardly spare some time to deal with my own affairs. I even neglected the necessary care for my beloved ones. Deep in night, I kept on asking myself whether it is worthful for working so hard, but ended with no answer. For survival, I have to work, but I lost a lot of precious things.
         I don't want to be that pessimistic. As a matter of fact, I always encourage myself in life: You have been living well, you know millions of people in this world are enduring the torments of hunger or cold. However, life at some time is so damned frustrating! It makes you die for escaping from the reality.
          I put too much time into the work, which is possibly one of the contributing factors to my  fret. Anyway, hoping that I could be able to pull myself together very soon!

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Reply freefu55 2013-3-27 12:29
We are not slave of work, don't forget your loved things, using your time properly, the secret of your success is determined by your daily Agenda. Good luck
Reply start007 2013-3-27 13:08
There's always something disappointed to happen and at the same time, we are not in good temper all times. Just take it easy. Best wishes to you.
Reply carolyayayaya 2013-3-27 17:14
Reply carolyayayaya 2013-3-27 17:15
Sounds reasonable
Reply Garyyy 2013-3-27 21:00
i think busy working is not a bad thing sometimes.  in fact, i hope i prefer working busy to having nothing to do.
Reply DioScofield 2013-3-28 09:35
Work for life. We have a long way to go and try to make our life wonderful.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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