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About Social Media Marketing

Hot 21276 views. 2015-9-7 13:35 | Media

    Today, I have learned a new abbreviation SMM (Social Media Marketing ). From Wikipedia, you can know that SMM  "is the process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites". Social media tools such as Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter are all international communication websites for you to make friends, as well as, of course, marketing your products. 
    Unlike SEO (Search Engine Optimization) which I mentioned in one of my previous blogs, SMM enables you to write status, share blogs, pictures and videos and make online communication with your friends.You should be cautious if you want to use the social media platforms to promote your company or products. Because if you frequently publish promotion information through the websites, you will very possibly be deleted or shielded by your friends. 
    Some of my friends are using Wechat to market their products. At the beginning, I would follow them and give supports, but later, I felt very bothered and shielded them. Do you have similar experience?  Now, I'd like to promote a company's website (, Haha,  if you are interested in it, click it and learn more, if not, just ignore it. Sorry for the inconvenience, and have a nice day!

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Reply sunnyv 2015-9-7 15:02
Whatever that can reach a large number of people, there is potential for marketing. That is how great companies like Google and Yahoo have succeeded. I have seen the sunygroup website. Recycling is big business now, so they have potential too.
Reply carolyayayaya 2015-9-7 15:30
sunnyv: Whatever that can reach a large number of people, there is potential for marketing. That is how great companies like Google and Yahoo have succeeded.  ...
Thank you for your attention. Recycling machines are green products which own a bright development prospect. I hope that there will be more people know about such kind of products so that they can be aware of the environment and produce less waste.
Reply lovingfun 2015-9-7 20:06
Just as Sunnyv mentioned, recycling market will boost in recent years. To begin with, this will save the capital on any areas. In other words, it means how much you have saved equal to the same ammounts you have earned. Next, recycling machines will be needed  for some reasons I wouldn't like to say.

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