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zebra! 2010-10-16
A very cool picture:  of a zebra!    Not a real zebra, just painted that way.  I don't know.  Anyway, it's a cool picture. ...
(996) Views|(2) Replies
busy; stories 2010-09-05
Hello friends.  I have lots of things I want to write posts about lately, but no time to write them.  I've started my fall semester of class ...
(995) Views|(6) Replies
Visual guide to a Ph.D. 2010-08-18
Here is a link to a cute explanation in pictures of what getting a Ph.D. really means in terms of knowledge and the world.  It's mostly graphs, ...
(1054) Views|(1) Replies
Muted 2010-08-05
I am finding life mostly very discouraging.  Ever since December, when I left China, I have been unable to shake off this particular sense of los ...
(1023) Views|(6) Replies
A dream: the blue lights 2010-07-26
In my dream last night I was alone with my grandmother and her sister, living in a big old stone house.   It was dusk, and I peere ...
(973) Views|(5) Replies

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gary 2011-5-25 16:50
how do u do ,my friend
O'Bright 2011-1-1 19:07
Happy New year!
gary 2010-12-6 09:50
i am back ,my friend .
hope everything in your here are ok and best wishes .
O'Bright 2010-10-16 13:28
It' a sunnday today, have a nice day!
littlegrass 2010-9-24 09:46
On this warm occasion, one of the most simple to you my friend: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! I wonder whether my wishes can reach you. Let me drink a toast for my rriend with my best wishes.
Teddy126 2010-8-21 22:57
maud: I'm alright.  Keeping very busy with school things.

How are you?
Just fine
Do some writing here every once in a while~
Teddy126 2010-8-21 07:54
It's been a while
How are you doing, Maud?
littlegrass 2010-8-15 08:42
Offer our sincerest and profoundest condolences to the victims as the disastrous debris flow and the best regards and expectations to the alive!
Heddy 2010-7-7 11:47
Oh, I  see.Nice to meet you too! Welcome to my space!~~
Teddy126 2010-6-20 17:54
What a cute adoring kitty you have!
Glad to be here, expecting to befriend you!
littlegrass 2010-6-16 11:30
Happy Zongzi Festival!
xajie 2010-4-24 13:57
maud: how strange! did you just type M, or did you also tell them your age and location?  maybe they wouldn't want to talk if they thought you were hiding s
Why not reply in Chinese?
xajie 2010-4-22 09:00
I met a new website yesterday,but everyone on it typed "ASL" to me.When i said M,they disconnected. it is so boring.
xajie 2010-4-9 07:51
xajie 2010-4-8 12:21
r u OK?
xajie 2010-4-4 01:02
I have to go to bed.
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