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Heart to Heart

1296 views. 2010-7-11 15:55 |

We will try to get to the heart of the matter to better understand the most important things about words and their stories. So take heart. Have no fear about learning new expressions. Besides, popular English words can be fun. There is no need for a heavy heart. Such feelings of sadness would only break my heart, or make me feel unhappy and hopeless.

Now, let us suppose you and I were speaking freely about something private. We would be having a heart to heart discussion. I might speak from the bottom of my heart, or say things honestly and truthfully. I might even open up my heart to you and tell a secret. I would speak with all my heart, or with great feeling.

When a person shares her feelings freely and openly like this, you might say she wears her heart on her sleeve, or on her clothing. Her emotions are not protected.

If we had an honest discussion, both of us would know that the other person's heart is in the right place. For example, I would know that you are a kind-hearted and well-meaning person. And, if you are a very good person, I would even say that you have a heart of gold. However, you might have a change of heart based on what I tell you. Our discussion might cause you to change the way you feel about something.

But, let us suppose you get angry over what I tell you. Or worse, you feel no sympathy or understanding for me or my situation. If this happens, I might think that you have a heart of stone. And, if you say something to make me frightened or worried, my heart might stand still or skip a beat.

Yet, even though you may be angry, I would know that at heart, you are a kind person. In reality, you do care. And any argument between us would not cause me to lose heart or feel a sense of loss.

My heart goes out to anyone who loses a friend over an argument. It really is a sad situation, and I feel sympathy for the people involved.

I promise that what I have told you today is true – cross my heart.

Post comment Comment (9 replies)

Reply littlegrass 2010-7-11 17:45
Hear-to-heart communication not only enrich ourselves mentally and physically but also influence what and who are around you. And most importantly, it will make us feel the world is full of love and care.
Reply huckabee 2010-7-11 18:02
Good. Thanks.
Reply bluebird 2010-7-11 19:05
Where's the right place for a heart? :)
Anyhow, We shouldn't lose heart to find a heart of gold.
Reply empty~empty 2010-7-11 21:33
Keeping Heart-to-heart seem hard for most of us.Many time I can't help getting angry.
Reply MarkLee 2010-7-12 14:26
empty~empty: Keeping Heart-to-heart seem hard for most of us.Many time I can't help getting angry.
you are right~~sometimes we need more patient
Reply MarkLee 2010-7-12 14:29
bluebird: Where's the right place for a heart? :)
Anyhow, We shouldn't lose heart to find a heart of gold.
someone sometimes seems bad-tempered but really he is a heart of gold, we need to know this
Reply MarkLee 2010-7-12 14:29
huckabee: Good. Thanks.
Reply MarkLee 2010-7-12 14:33
littlegrass: Hear-to-heart communication not only enrich ourselves mentally and physically but also influence what and who are around you. And most importantly, it
yeah, maybe love and care are the only things we can give away without losing them.
Reply ly.identity 2010-7-13 15:45

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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