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There should be a better way to start a day than waking up every morning.
  • Joycec: Yes,this is a good way,but can't keeping. (5-22 09:24)
  • MarkLee: we need to reflesh our life,to start a day in a different way (5-22 09:28)
  • Candy.liu: So what do you think out for the better way? (5-23 15:00)
2010-5-22 09:22 Reply|
You do not keep anything for a special occasion.because every day that you live is a SPECIAL OCCASION.
2010-5-20 14:11 Reply|
“Your future depends on your dreams”. So go to sleep.
  • Candy.liu: But the dreams are not fantasy.It won't make the dreams come true if just to sleep. (5-19 20:33)
  • bleuclair: so how long it will take to sleep for our futures? (5-19 21:08)
  • MarkLee: a long time, maybe, it depends on when you are awake (5-20 07:37)
  • bleuclair: interesting explanation (5-20 09:49)
2010-5-19 13:11 Reply|
2010-4-9 13:39 Reply|
2009-9-27 07:46 Reply|
I'll live in a palace, and drive the biggest, most expensive car in the world, and marry the most beautiful girl in the world, and we will have a family and live happily ever after...haha
  • houling826: you are so imaginary! (9-4 14:55)
  • hobaby: It is time to get up! (9-10 08:10)
  • Wanna: It seems like Anzhi Chan's study of success! to certain extent, it is necessary to have a target! (10-12 10:30)
  • Sharer: Bring me there. Thank you! (3-29 23:14)
2009-9-3 10:54 Reply|
2009-9-2 15:03 Reply|
2009-9-2 14:42 Reply|
2009-9-2 11:19 Reply|
Having no attachments or ties; free to do as one pleases.
2009-8-30 15:32 Reply|

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