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  • There should be a better way to start a day than waking up every morning. Reply
  • You do not keep anything for a special occasion.because every day that you live is a SPECIAL OCCASION. Reply
  • “Your future depends on your dreams”. So go to sleep. Reply
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Put Your Heart at Rest 2010-07-19
People believed for a long time that the heart was the center of a person's emotions. That is why the word heart is used in so many expressions ab ...
(1308) Views|(4) Replies
Heart to Heart 2010-07-11
We will try to get to the heart of the matter to better understand the most important things about words and their stories. So take heart. Have no ...
(1304) Views|(9) Replies
Golden Rules and Golden Oldies 2010-06-07
Throughout history, gold has been a sign of purity, beauty and power. Calling something golden means it has great quality and value. For exam ...
(1384) Views|(13) Replies
these romantic words 2010-06-05
1. You've given me a reason to live.    2. I'm drawn to you. 3. I'm so happy I met you. 4. You're a k ...
(1151) Views|(14) Replies
Dog Talk 2010-05-30
Many people love their dogs and treat them well. They take their dogs for walks, let them play outside and give them good food and medical care. ...
(1357) Views|(16) Replies

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liudan89 2011-12-24 15:56
morningsun 2011-3-23 17:15
really sorry. I did not log in dioenglish for  a  period of time,and failed to reply your requst of making friends in time.
shelley5115 2010-12-5 21:45
well, long time no see! How are you recently?
littlegrass 2010-9-24 09:35
On this warm occasion, one of the most simple to you my friend: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! I wonder whether my wishes can reach you. Let me drink a toast for my rriend with my best wishes.
littlegrass 2010-8-16 07:40
Happy Double-seventh Festival! Wish all shall be well, and Jack have Jill. Life will never be the same without love.
littlegrass 2010-8-15 08:33
Offer our sincerest and profoundest condolences to the victims as the disastrous debris flow and the best regards and expectations to the alive!
littlegrass 2010-8-3 16:04
Happy Men's Day!
crefendool 2010-7-6 13:02
Your English is really very good. Are U a teather?
crefendool 2010-7-6 11:40
You have a high fame~COOL
shan 2010-7-1 14:26
hi,my hometown is also in anhui。Nice to see you。i am in shenzhen,now。
littlegrass 2010-6-20 17:53
Great regards to all great fathers and wish all of them all the best!!
ly.identity 2010-5-25 18:06
Good afternoon~
lumy 2010-5-24 14:22
shawle 2010-5-12 13:56
Thanks for your visiting~~~Sweet smile.
StevenHAN 2010-5-7 19:46
It is my lucky to meet you ,.
Sharer 2010-3-29 23:12
You seem to be so cool! hah nice to meet you!
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