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Work hard,keep on studying!!

812 views. 2009-9-25 11:51 |Individual Classification:Life|

Work is hard,but I should still work hard as it's my responsibility.I need to work for my family and myself.
Sometimes work comes first,but I also cherish other things.And I should not stop studying,I should keep on making progress in the work experience,I should keep on studying.I don't have excuse to be lazy.
So work hard and keep on studying.

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Post comment Comment (8 replies)

Reply Jacken.yang 2009-9-25 13:16
Improvement together.Working is only the way to improve our living standard.Don't be so worry about it.
Reply moli 2009-9-25 13:28
go for the object!
Reply wcdomy 2009-9-25 15:39
Keep trying!That is a very positive attitude!
Reply waywendy 2009-9-25 18:30
just do what you want to do and come on
Reply Candy.liu 2009-9-25 20:43
Jacken.yang: Improvement together.Working is only the way to improve our living standard.Don't be so worry about it.
Thank you.
Reply Candy.liu 2009-9-25 20:44
waywendy: just do what you want to do and come on
Thanks everyone.
Reply waywendy 2009-9-25 21:13
Candy.liu: Thanks everyone.
you're welcome
Reply Fantasy 2009-9-26 14:43
When I don't want to do anything, I should remember that don't make any excuses to be lazy.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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