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Long time no words about my baby. How time flies. She is 2 and half years now. Look at her, how naughty the girl is. She gets clothes out of closet, that’s her father’s and mine, she puts on this shirt, tries that skirt , turns around in front of the mirror, smiles to herself, and asks: Mama, do you think I look good? I mean to make fun at her: You look like an old woman. She said: I am not an old woman, grandma is older than me.
Sometimes I can’t handle the girl, sometimes she is very annoying. If I don’t give what she wants, she will keep on crying until got it. She is wayward. Her father is strict at her, he is determined not to give what she cries for. But I can’t do that like her father, I am soft, in other words, I have no principles for her. I am trying to find a better way to deal with this situation. Dear friends here, do you have any good suggestion? Thanks.
teadrinking: A child has the nature mind. You have done alright. If you want to guide her, just teach her by some rules or pinciples. If her wants to have somethin ...
Steven_J: I can't offer any suggestion because I have no child yet. But I think parents should love their children in wise and proper ways. When children did so ... --- A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends!
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