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Continue to write the growing things

Hot 2639 views. 2015-7-2 20:59 |Individual Classification:Growing| growing, things, write

She covered the doll with clothes, one by one, and said: don’t let it be cold. I said: the weather is too hot, it is dying of the heat. She said: no, it doesn’t feel hot, because it has no clothes on body while we wear clothes.

At noon, she said: I want to poo. I said: you pool just in the morning. She said: Oh, I forgot it, so I don’t need to poo again. Later she said: I still need to poo into toilet, or else I will poo into pants.

After I cut the finger nail for her, she said she want to cut for me, so she imitated what I did but she didn’t cut really and said: MAMA, don’t move your hand, or I will cut your finger. Later continued: your finger nail is so dirty with black stuff, much dirty than me. (fine, that’s what I said to her when I cut her finger nail.)

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Reply sunnyv 2015-7-2 21:58
Yeah, kids like ti imitate their mothers. Whatever you do, she would want to do too to prove that she is grown up. Later, you would she start wearing your shoes walking around, sweep the floor and even talk like you do. Therefore, now is the time to shape her character. Don't talk loud to her and let her learn manners.
Reply lovingfun 2015-7-3 08:14
Child are full of imaginations, most time they will surprise us by some unexpected words or actions.
Instead of teach them directly, I do think play with them , and use our wit to lead them is the best way.
Reply Candy.liu 2015-7-3 20:53
sunnyv: Yeah, kids like ti imitate their mothers. Whatever you do, she would want to do too to prove that she is grown up. Later, you would she start wearing  ...
Yes, sometimes she is very naughty that i almost lose my temper to scold her, but i have to control my manner of speaking, i am trying to set a good example to her. It's not easy to teach a little girl who is just more than two years old. Hope that i can do it better.
Reply Candy.liu 2015-7-3 20:55
lovingfun: Child are full of imaginations, most time they will surprise us by some unexpected words or actions.
Instead of teach them directly, I do think play w ...
Yes, naughty and funny. Good idea, to play with them and lead them in the correct way.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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