Hot 2||
She covered the doll with clothes, one by one, and said: don’t let it be cold. I said: the weather is too hot, it is dying of the heat. She said: no, it doesn’t feel hot, because it has no clothes on body while we wear clothes.
At noon, she said: I want to poo. I said: you pool just in the morning. She said: Oh, I forgot it, so I don’t need to poo again. Later she said: I still need to poo into toilet, or else I will poo into pants.
After I cut the finger nail for her, she said she want to cut for me, so she imitated what I did but she didn’t cut really and said: MAMA, don’t move your hand, or I will cut your finger. Later continued: your finger nail is so dirty with black stuff, much dirty than me. (fine, that’s what I said to her when I cut her finger nail.)
sunnyv: Yeah, kids like ti imitate their mothers. Whatever you do, she would want to do too to prove that she is grown up. Later, you would she start wearing ... --- A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends!
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