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Chung Yeung Festival

Hot 2806 views. 2015-10-21 16:39 |Individual Classification:Life| article, false, share

I read an article on wechat today, here is my translation and share with you.

Chung Yeung Festival

<What’s filial piety >

For poor parents, to give money is filial piety.

For sickly parents, to contribute labor and care is filial piety.

For lonely parents, to accompany together is filial piety.

For ill-tempered parents, to understand is filial piety.

For diligent and thrifty parents, to be diligent is filial piety.

For nagging parents, to listen is filial piety.

What parents expect you, if you can make it come true, it’s filial piety.

We are all going to grow old, while you could give filial piety, please make all-out efforts.


                                                          To all the people who want to show filial piety.


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Reply sunnyv 2015-10-21 17:25
Filial piety is not only to give parents some money and believe that they would be happy. It is our sacred duty to care for our parent's emotional and living needs. We all know what our parents needs. Being good to our parents gives us blessings, self confidence and satisfaction. Everyone should treat our parents well while we can to avoid regrets in future. Bless all those filial sons and daughters.
Reply Candy.liu 2015-10-21 19:01
sunnyv: Filial piety is not only to give parents some money and believe that they would be happy. It is our sacred duty to care for our parent's emotional and ...
Yeah, i can't agree with you any more. I think the first sentence means that if the parents live in poverty, really lack of money and need money eagerly, as sons and daughters, we have the responsibility to give money to support them and improve their living environment.
Reply teadrinking 2015-10-22 19:49
A good translation you did. We are really indeed to be good with parents as sunnyv said. And try to help those who are supposed to need help. Blessed with everyone with warmth.
Reply Candy.liu 2015-10-23 09:37
teadrinking: A good translation you did. We are really indeed to be good with parents as sunnyv said. And try to help those who are supposed to need help. Blessed  ...

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