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My little girl

Hot 21017 views. 2015-10-25 22:51 |Individual Classification:Growing| continued, something, sometimes, somebody, sister

My daughter talked with me tonight, she said “MAMA, could you give me a little baby?” I had no words for a while. She continued seriously “I want one younger sister, and one younger brother”. It didn’t immediately occur to me that it’s her words. I didn’t think she would say something like that. Maybe somebody taught her. She is about 3 years now, yeah, she can say more and more things even acts like an adult lady sometimes, and there is something out of my expectation. At that time, I had to say “let me think about it”. Watching her feels time fly, she is growing up, and unconsciously I have slowly become old, how I wonder I could accompany with her more, play with her more, more hugs for her…

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Reply sunnyv 2015-10-26 13:05
Children, especially little girls are cute, aren't they? She may have attentive to the talk of adults and formed the idea of having a younger brother and sisters, so be careful of what you say in front of them. 3 years old is still a bit young and innocent. Anyway, single child families are very common in China, so things are fine.

However, there is still strong preference for sons in China. Your first child is a girl, so you may be feeling the  family and social pressures to chase for a boy. This is a critical decision with long term effects, You would have to consider carefully before making decisions.
Reply Candy.liu 2015-10-26 18:30
   Yes. You read my mind, i am thinking of it. And i think maybe she need a partner with similar age on the way of her growing up.
Reply teadrinking 2015-10-26 20:28
If it is allowed, you can conscider having another kid who will be your daughter's parnter. Since the one-child policy which deprives people of rights for having the second child, now has caused the aging society problem. We are all aging, while the deficiency of the young now alerts the policy is not that right.

When a kid is at his or her 3, memory grows and self judgement is becoming to be mature gradually yet not so well as adults, while the kid has the sense of wanting he or she wants out of the instinct.
Reply Candy.liu 2015-10-27 19:07
teadrinking: If it is allowed, you can conscider having another kid who will be your daughter's parnter. Since the one-child policy which deprives people of rights ...
Yeah, with the accelerated aging and declining birth rate, the old age support burden will rise fast.
And i think maybe only one child is too lonely.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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