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Make up for lessons

730 views. 2022-1-15 12:45

     The winter vacation officially begins in primary and middle school this weekend, which means that children will spend more time at home during vacation. Though the ministry of education has banned and abolished cram schools for academic subjects. However there has always been a market demand for remedial lessons especially for students who are about to take the high school and college entrance exams, every student wants to do well in exams including my daughter who will take the high school entrance examination this year, and as parents have never been shy about spending money in improving their children's grades. But, not every child is gifted in learning, and most of them are destined to become the accompanying runner of good students with good grades. In spite of this fact, they can't give up trying to continue to improve their learning for those children whose are not so qualified in learning, surely, studying hard is the only thing they can do and should do at the present stage. The off-campus cram schools are clearly well aware of the situation, and all kinds of training and cram schools have sprung up in the past five years, although the momentum has been halted. But, the needs have not really stopped and they are present in a more subtle way. Sometimes, as a parent, it conflicted about whether it is necessary for your child to continue to make up for lessons in this way.

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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