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Why I Want to Write

Hot 11179 views. 2014-11-2 21:15

       I will never want to write before I really dare to. As long as I am reading not a few masterworks of those celebrated writers, I will be surely frustrated that however I attempt to emulate the extraodinary, I am bound to fail completely. Writing should have awed me, yet it magnetizes me. I can not resist the literary skills of a wonderful work but admire it, nor can I stay still without being inspired and enlightened. These are the reasons why I want to write: the possession of courage, which goes beyond frustration and failure, and which mentions me and a writer in the same breath; and the fire of passion, whose fuel is added by the fanscination of what the masters are composing all the time.

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Reply Lizzieliu 2014-11-3 19:25
Writing is something I think people need to do with interest and inspiration.Also the huge amount of quantity in reading and daily writing is needed.If you love writing you need to do something executive to improve it.
Reply dphpxs 2014-11-3 20:11
Lizzieliu: Writing is something I think people need to do with interest and inspiration.Also the huge amount of quantity in reading and daily writing is needed.I ...
Thank you for your advice!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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