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Hunyuan Tai Chi 32-form Cannon teaching DVD issued

Hot 15428 views. 2014-7-21 12:57

It is a good news that the teaching DVD of Hunyuan Taijiquan 32-form Cannon has been accomplished and is to issue to public. This is a contribution of Master Zhang Jiping to Hunyuan Taijiquan developing.

As one of the indoor disciples of GM Feng, Zhang's teaching is regarted as the authoritative about Hunyuan.

In this DVD there is a presious video was released, that is GM Feng himself doing the 32-form Cannon with his top disciples, including master Zhang standing behide hem.

Also, all teaching videos were published by Jiping Taijiquan Website. It is very easy to learn Tai Chi online at any place in the world and en any time. It's all free. You could click this link here to go the teaching page of the 32-form Cannon.

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Reply sunnyv 2014-7-21 17:19
OK. Good introduction. Would look into it. Thanks.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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