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Master Zhang invited as the coach of Fight Skill Training for Jilin Province Po

Hot 25176 views. 2014-9-19 07:54 | coach, fight, sanda, masterzhang

Master Zhang was invited as the coach of  Fight Skill Training for Jilin Province Police recently. And a training course has just finished the day before yesterday and it lasted for 7 days. This time more than a hundred policemen from every places of Jilin Province. The lessons of Zhang included as Sanda, Holding, Empty hands against knife and culdel.

Master Zhang was invited as the coach of  Fight Skill Training for Jilin Province Police recently. And a training course has just finished the day before yesterday and it lasted for 7 days. This time more than a hundred policemen from every places of Jilin Province. The lessons of Zhang included as Sanda, Holding, Empty hands against knife and culdel.

Post comment Comment (2 replies)

Reply xingyue 2014-9-19 22:45
Oh, that's so cool. I treat "Sanda, Holding" or other fight skills as charming Kung Fu. I worship policemen and fight skills.
Reply Nikkii 2014-9-20 11:14
feeling safer for all the policemen are learning new skills to guard the society

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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