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Being a slavy to a house(成为房奴)

Hot 31451 views. 2014-10-23 20:57 | house

    It's well-known that the house price is extreme high in China's first-tier to second-tier cities.The price of house of Beijing, Shanghai is nearly ten millions.This is a enormous figure.It means a person can afford a house without consumption for decades. So they saying"being a slavy to a house all one's life".
   The first-tier cities are super cities,such as Beijing,Shanghai,there have more than 20 millions population.The standard of cost is high and  the competition in jobs is so fierce that  a very small percentage of the population can afford the marrying house before 30 years old.It's impossible for most to buy a house without their parents'help in their thirties.Now,marrying is a huge task.It's a rough burden.So many youngers face the embarrass situation,they want to marry but they can't buy a house.
    It's very common that the Beijing drifters(北漂一族) live in the places like garages and the basements.It's widely called "Dwelling narrowness"(蜗居).It's a sad thing ,right?
    Now,environmental pollution ,high price of house,hospitalization in insurance(医疗保险) and the ageing of the population(人口老龄化) become the most serious and urgent social problems.Could we have a better future in this condition?
    In the next ten years,I will have to face this fact,repaying the house load, taking care of my aged parents, raising the little child.These are terrible tasks!
    Are you scared about it?


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Reply Rene 2014-10-23 22:48
Especially for those younger from poor and distant village, it's nearly impossible to buy a house, even a second-hand house in those second-tired cities, like  Beijing, Shanghai, it's a fact in China, but we have no choice but strive for it.
Reply xingyue 2014-10-23 23:16
I feel really scared and then I doubt myself deeply. Whether I could live on this planet, and I want to go Mars...Anyway, our parents are really so great, and they bought a house and have been raising us and looking after the older with the relative low income. Well, good luck.
Reply kuin 2014-10-24 09:07
Rene: Especially for those younger from poor and distant village, it's nearly impossible to buy a house, even a second-hand house in those second-tired citi ...
I hope this unfair condition can be better in the next several years,otherwise we will have a terrible life.
Reply kuin 2014-10-24 09:10
xingyue: I feel really scared and then I doubt myself deeply. Whether I could live on this planet, and I want to go Mars...Anyway, our parents are really so gr ...
Yeah ,parents are the most remarkable people in this world.I love them. So I have to work hard to relief their burden.Good luck to you !
Reply shirleyytt2010 2014-12-23 14:32
In fact , the living condition for renting houses in China is not satisfactory. That is why most of the Chinese would like to buy their own houses. Some college students want to have their houses right after their graduation , and that is not a easy thing for them. The house price is too high for most of them and if not given finanical assistance by their parents, it is impossible afford the house by themselves.
Reply kuin 2014-12-23 16:17
shirleyytt2010: In fact , the living condition for renting houses in China is not satisfactory. That is why most of the Chinese would like to buy their own houses. So ...
It's exactly right. And now the house price of the first-tier cities is still rising! Everyone knows this condition is rediculous and unfair.High house price puts  a heavy burden on younsters.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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