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First time to be here,shanghai!

Hot 11323 views. 2016-7-4 13:35 | shanghai

  In 2016-2,I quitted my first job and then I came here,shanghai!
  It took me serveral months to find a satisfied job,and then I get a position in a E-commerce conpany and has worked over one month.
  My senior is a strange man.
  The first day I came the company,I was told that I will be dismissed anytime because I can do nothing and our company is bad!He told us that the director is a useless guy and the only thing he can do is command others!when he saied this ,he stared into my eyes.I was shocked and begin can't sleep at night.In the first few days,I often worked overtime because of worry and anxiety.
  After one month,I learned more about the skills and more familiar about the business,I got a little confidence and do not afraid of him like before.
  I don't like him!he is a strange man with strange characteristics and stout,ugly skeleton,tough and red face and explain everything of the company almost everyday!I was confused why didn't he jump to another company.
  I try to make every workday busy and fulfilled,and make a further plan of my job.I learn about the knowledge about Sqlsever and Hive,study my english and plan to sign an oral english class when I have money left.
  I want it could be not so difficulty when I find a job again,I hope I can have more chances to be  in a professional company and get better salary in the next three and five years!

Post comment Comment (2 replies)

Reply sweetolive 2016-7-5 13:26
Welcome to Shanghai, please don't get upset by some awkward people, not worth it :D
Reply kuin 2016-7-6 12:43
sweetolive: Welcome to Shanghai, please don't get upset by some awkward people, not worth it :D
yeah,thank you for your advice,I will!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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