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I like the busy life.

Hot 3859 views. 2015-12-22 15:04

    I donot remember i cannot bear having nothing  doing.That means i like the busy life.When my father retired because of higher ages,he found out many books ,including math,chemistry and physical,to do the exercises instead of enjoying the relax time.I couldnot understand firstly and thought it was great to retire because people finally never did the job.
     But when i have a holliday,i cannot find some thing to do and once i have no work  for a long time,i feekl i think doing something maybe is serively hard,we can feel the useful life.When we immerse the busy life ,we cannot igonre to take care of the family.Doing your work instead of teaching your baby or palying with children is a selfish action.

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Reply sunnyv 2015-12-22 16:43
It appears you are not the idle type of person. You like to be a useful and contributing person. That is a good inborn characteristic or personality. When we grow up or age, we would look back at our life and ask ourselves what we have done in our lifetime. So long as you have earned your own living and provided care for those close to you, then you are already a respectable person. It is not necessary to be rich because only very few people are rich.

On the other hand, life does not have to be so hard. Once a while, you can take your family to some other places for a holiday. Everybody needs to unwind sometime otherwise life would be too tired.

It is necessary for a parent to guide and care for their own children, but sometimes you also need to let him learn on her own. Later when she starts school, she would start learning how to be more independent and how to get along with others. Every parent wants to give their children the best.
Reply IMNONARCISSUS 2015-12-22 18:24
   I'm fond of busy and interesting life, but I dislike too busy life.
Reply lovingfun 2015-12-22 20:08
Haha. I am a lazybone inborn. I just do what need do ,then I would like reading, thinking and do some researches. I think that work is important , and we should do .But all work, no play will make us a dull person in someway.
I advise you to take some time to slow down in order to work better.
Reply sunnyv 2015-12-23 15:08
lovingfun: Haha. I am a lazybone inborn. I just do what need do ,then I would like reading, thinking and do some researches. I think that work is important , and ...
I like your down to earth attitude to life and living. It changes some of my solidified negative thoughts. Happy to be alive and well.
Reply lovingfun 2015-12-23 22:05
sunnyv: I like your down to earth attitude to life and living. It changes some of my solidified negative thoughts. Happy to be alive and well.
I am a Taurus, so maybe I am very lazy in some way.  But, I do know what I am doing.
Wish verything is smooth on you. And Merry Christmas to you.
Christmas is love, so remeber to send your best regard to you family and friends.
Reply morlly 2015-12-24 16:40
Living a smooth life is a kind of wish.Everyone like living in a peaceful age,breathing  fresh air,avoiding the warfare.But we are just alive,we will meet catastrophes and ill.I think business can help us forgetting the bad things and sadness

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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