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Many bad things always happened in the new year.

Hot 2905 views. 2016-1-5 18:27 | always, things

     Time is slipping away.ON matter we would or not,all of us have to company our relatives with the time into a new year.To be honest,going into a new year i indeed have sad since glorious light shined on the east of earth. Thinking of nothing worthly to proud and recall in last year,i donot like to enter this new year and plaint tnat time is flying so fast that many things didnot accomplished,for instance some books didnot read in the plan,some artical didnot published.

     In addition to the above things,i hate to live in haze air,which had broke the limit of maximum according to reports.Recently,my living city has surrounded by haze and fog.Many people wore the musk in the street.I didnot ues the musk to protect myself because i think even if we wear the musk to reject the dust and stop the  poisonous gases into our bady,the ues of musk is limited.After all,we must work outside.Today i heard a news from the website which report a bus caught fire in the morning and few of people died.I remember there was a davaster happened in shanghai on New Year's Eve  last year,in which many people died also so reporters named that night " the black of night".

     In this year,we will encounter the same topic,such as falling store,terrible environment,international disputes,and so on.I also will meet the same matter as last year,contiune to read the book,find a magazine to publish the essay and go to work.maybe,next time when i open my eyes,the new year  has begun.

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Reply sunnyv 2016-1-5 19:46
Oh, come on dear. haven't you heard the famous saying? ...
'Of thousands difficulties, the most difficult is the beginning.''
Don't let that bother you because you are not alone in this.

To many people 2015 ended with excitement but 2016 started with strange doubts. The difficulties and unfinished tasks of 2015 have spilled over to 2016.  I also have the same problem. There are so many difficult tasks on hand that just by looking at the work list makes me feel dizzy and tired. It is gonna be a tough time ahead.

China started the new year with a heavy burden of pollution suffocating the people. Those smogs are bound to cause long term lung problems. The authorities would have to take positive and workable steps to control the smog, otherwise, things could not be reversed. The economy is weakening and that means problems for everyone. Just hope we can overcome these difficulties.
Reply teadrinking 2016-1-5 21:13
Things are not so bad, and not so good. Just ok. Do not feel that bad.

2015 is gone, something we might still have to done which left from the last year.  2016 is just another beginning that we have to face.

Though accidents happen, we still have to bless that we should be ok. Yes, in the morning, the fire caused on the bus, caused more than ten people dead, and some others are injured.

What we have planned, there usually something come out to stop us. So then we have to hurdle it.

As for the air condition, which is really bothering us. Smog quite does harmful impact on us. I hate that. For the time being, we can not change it. I hope it will be improved later. But I do not know when exact the time is for us to see the blue sky again.

Everything is gonna be ok. Come on in the year 2016.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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