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How to communicate availably between parents and children?

Hot 2969 views. 2016-2-24 10:02 | availably, children, between

    With kids are growing up,there are many barrier appeared between parents and children.In China, there is an old saying: every family has their issue, the parents and their children’s problems exist all the time. It seems that parents and their children can never get along peacefully, their communication barrier comes to be obvious since the children come to their adolescence, this situation happens in many reasons.

   On the one hand, the children have come to the adolescence, they desire to be independent and get away from their parents’ protection. The age of adolescence means the children have grown up, they are no more the small kids, they want to make their own decision, so they become rebellious and go against what they parents tell them to do. They do this for the purpose of proving that they are grown-ups.

  On the other hand, most parents take their children as the small kids all the time. In most parents’ eyes, their kids will be always kids, no matter how old they are, the parents still treat their children as the small ones, so they will make every decision for their kids. The parents refuse to accept the fact that their children have grown up and can make their decision, so the communication barrier happens.

 The communication barrier between children and parents is very important, the parents should learn to let go gradually and the children can have a nice talk to their parents, thus the problem can better solved.

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Reply sunnyv 2016-2-24 12:47
Parenting is a never ending job. When a child is born, you worry about his/her health and body , Age 4-6 you worry about about his learning and development, 6-10 you worry about his education, 12 to teenage you worry about his academic achievements. After teenage you have to worry about his career, social life and marriage etc. The attention never ends and in the eyes of a parents, their own child is always a child, even they are are grown ups.

When they reach adolescence, their attachment to parents would slowly reduce and they won't have much talk or communications with parents. Their attention would be centered around their own friends. Parents should not see these changes are negative because it is their first step to independence and they need those independence to be able to survive in the present cut-throat society. Just let them develop while you watch from a distance.

It is already good in China because children tend to be with parents until marriage. In western countries, most of the children would move out of the house by the age of 18. They would share a house with friends and live their own lifestyle. Some kids easily become addicts to drugs and bad habits. Fortunately, this type of mentality did not catch on in China.

You don't have to be too worried, as most of them would find their own way. All you have to do is to give them essential advice and have sincere talks with them without undue influence or pressure.
Reply teadrinking 2016-2-27 11:44
My opinion is that parents and children should be on the same level of relationship. Parents should not ride high horse to treat their kids.

As the growth of kids, they become independent and want to have their own life with being bothered too much. What parents should communicate them is to let them know that they love them and are supportive them on condition that the kids are under the principles.

We should treat other on mutual respect.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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