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Shares Being a volunteer is so hard that some people can be injured
2015-12-16 16:31
I read a news on tuesday reported two men were captured by many villagers in a samll village of norther china because of catching a dog.For learning them a lession,villagers raged to beat them so as to protecting other dogs.At last,one was killed,the other ...
568 views|2 replies Hot 2
Shares Daughter asked me to buy a smartphone for her.
2015-12-14 11:51
I went out the house to buy something in a supermarket on saturday.When we passed by a counter which was saling telephone,My daughtor was attracted by a few of phone,which was produced specially forkids for keepingconnection between the relatives andpreven ...
567 views|5 replies Hot 3
Shares Praise is important or not.
2015-12-12 11:42
We always want to hear praise from the parents ,teachers or bosses in life.Especially kids like to hearit.I think itis important to get praise.For kids,praise means a kind ofencourage and a kind ofapproval.This can make kids studyin ...
878 views|2 replies Hot 2
Shares The property agreement before marriage
2015-12-5 11:22
In a commercial society,many company look the agreements as a defence to keep operation.With the rapid development of economy,there are some unhappy things happened between the firms.So entrepreneurs hope to depend on the lawyer for prote ...
868 views|2 replies Hot 2
Shares The right to make up
2015-12-4 17:06
We havemore rights in this timethan the post.As a woman,shehope sheis beautiful when she is outside.So,she usually make up to go shoping or work in a office.We can learn some tips to make up from the fashion book or TV show.Now,when we are outside,we ...
467 views|2 replies Hot 2
Shares I donot want to be alone anymore.
2015-12-1 17:47
what time are you not be alone anymore?Living with your roommates or married? We are living with a troop of peopleon the histroy from being a human,so leaving the social society,we will dead or like a animal to spend every day without the ability to speak.Except this reason,we w ...
605 views|6 replies Hot 5
Shares Soft Family Violence
2015-11-30 17:25
I remember there was a TV serialthat named "Dnnot talk with stranger" about family violence.It described a women who was mild and beautiful was attacked by her husbandwhen she talked a man in the streetor in the office. This woman used so ...
823 views|4 replies Hot 3
Shares The army of skipping classes.
2015-11-27 17:10
Did you skip a class when you are student? I did.Even if i was afraid when i skipped,i coundnot refuse the lure for doing i wanted to do.As a matter ,i know skipping is a bad behavor,especially you are teenager.If your father get this news from your teacher,you w ...
545 views|4 replies Hot 1
Shares Do you want to pardon somebody in Thanksgiving day?
2015-11-26 23:54
A news about Obama today in Reuters website said he pardoned a turkey for spending the Thanksgiving day with his daughters. From this news i just know we can pardon somebody or something to celebrate a holiday in U.S.A.In my opinion,pardoning somebod ...
649 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares it is better to find a job or run a business
2015-11-14 11:40
In the new century,with the development of the economy,there are many diffrient competition in lots of fields.Not only that the cometition,social has highter requirement for the men who are finding a it is difficult to be employed by a better company for many people. there is a ol ...
629 views|2 replies Hot 2

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