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Shares How to handle stress in life?
2015-11-13 16:48
We usually meet some difficult things that trouble you inannoy or sadness.As the rapided development of social and citys,we should do our best to make money for living a good life.However we have to take care of our parent and children,uesing our money.If it is ...
745 views|6 replies Hot 4
Shares You think that living with other person is good or bad.
2015-10-30 15:40
When we were high school students or undergraduates, we usually were living with roommates to share a room.Nowadays, it is a tradition in many countrie,as chinese old saying "when the forest becomes bigger,there will be all kinds of birds".It means we will meet some different p ...
520 views|4 replies Hot 4
Shares DO you give some gifts to your children's teather for celebrating The Teather's
2015-10-13 11:29
DO you give some gifts to your children's teather for celebrating The Teather's Day?I did.Even if i hate this behave.I am afried to spend that Day because i donot know if i need to buy something for my children's teachers.I Hope my children's teacherwill pay close atte ...
621 views|5 replies Hot 5
Shares can you estimate person's personalities through their's dress?
2015-10-7 23:51
Every one has his ownhabitsor chatacter.Some psychologists believe they can judge a man's personalities through obesrving his dress. Do you believe it?For excemple,a woman alway like to dress black clothes.That means she look like a slim body and she is introverted.Maybe she had a ...
485 views|2 replies Hot 2
Shares A interesting story:the farmer and the donkey
2015-6-23 12:13
I read a story when i had determined to choose an allegory for my daughter yesterday.It is about a farmer and a donkey.The content of as follows: One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well.The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do.Finally,he decided to ...
663 views|4 replies Hot 4
Shares I was touched by young people
2015-6-19 21:01
I was  touched by young people
Youth is a beautiful time,in which we canrelease passion and cultivatethe creation.I accepted a taskfrom my leaderwho asked me taking some excellect graduates to product aTV show last mouth,which reflects the view ofcollege students about the yo ...
529 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares Learning driving is a difficult task.
2015-6-16 23:58
I wanted to learn driving when i saw a woman driving on the road many year ago.I had never make a decision to learn it since i got a job in this city.On one hand,i was busytoprepare my classeseverydayso that i had no much free time to practice in thedriving schoo ...
584 views|4 replies Hot 4
Shares Do you like doing something alone or with a team?
2015-6-15 13:57
As a human being,we were borned in a family with the warming hug,growing up with the parents' care,made some friends in a society.Following the growing track,we found that mankind must live in a group and rely on each other.If we were out of the society,we would not learn how to communicate with ot ...
1336 views|2 replies Hot 2
Shares Do you admire a person?
2015-6-14 22:46
Everyone havethedifferent character,unusual life.So few people will be a successful person,few people will be a big man or a famous person, a majority of people will be a normal person ,even a poor person.Some people have a idol in theirhearts who is a hero,a famous&nbs ...
996 views|3 replies Hot 3
Shares No smoking
2015-6-11 13:16
I notice smonking isnot men's right and more and more women like to smoke,especially the teenagers are be found smoking on the street or the public places.It is strange that many unmoral behaviors will be emerged in the adolesent groups.The World Health Organization says about 10 people die of a tob ...
1044 views|4 replies Hot 3

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