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  • It is a long timg that i didnot write something in this place.I come back to continue showing my feeling and thought. Reply
  • I will buy a house,but i donot choose which method to pay it:pay in cash or make a loan from bank. Reply
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Find a way to release my angry and make me pease 2019-08-10
There are many things which cannot make ours happy ,especaily the thing is our goal that we gave up because of thinking it so much difficut.But maybe ...
(1222) Views|(2) Replies
I failed to choose another life. 2019-07-10
We always  have to be faced  with different choices since we were borned.At in my view,making a good choice is difficute because we have to ...
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Learning to grow up 2017-03-20
    Days are flying.It hasnot  been  updated my blog since last year.It is a long time for me. What happ ...
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It is wrong that you see something or hear something frist to make a conclusio 2016-05-09
           Lippmann who was a famous writer in press circle of America and is respected by many re ...
(1168) Views|(1) Replies
Which is the best choice in three customary holidays? 2016-05-05
    It is a dim memory for me to recall what time anthorities revised the program about the vacation of festival.In my impression ...
(1434) Views|(2) Replies

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morlly 2015-11-30 17:39
I never think i will be a we have do something with good behavor,once we made a mistake whichcouldnot modify,we would accept the consequence,whatever it is good or bad.
teadrinking 2015-6-2 21:16
Nice to meet you here, I am sure you can write better and better.
morlly 2015-5-5 23:07
welcome to point out my mistakes in the sentence..I will modify my statement for learnning english and it is my pleasure to meet you!
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