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Shares Am i wrong?
yvonneandmandy 2016-2-26 19:28
When i meet my daughter after work, I saw she was eating the biscuit personally. and I saw some other children there. So i asked her to share with others. But she has more but give others just a little. and i decided to help her. but what i just do make her angry, and she thought that i am not a goo ...
564 views|4 replies Hot 4
Shares My new job
yvonneandmandy 2016-2-24 20:03
I had my new job now. but i do not know how to defenite my position, it is just like a clerk. Since what i do is just the simple things but with a lot of data to check. It means that i must to be careful at any moment. Meanwhile, i must translate some words about package. So it seems not so ea ...
473 views|4 replies Hot 4
yvonneandmandy 2016-2-23 19:43
I did not visit here for about two days, On the one hand, there is something wrong with my computer or internet. The on-off-line speed is very slow. On the other hand, I am resigning from my present job and want to seeking another. Since we donot have orders and we are idle with nothing to do,But th ...
Individual Classification: job|574 views|2 replies Hot 2
Shares i am the fresher
yvonneandmandy 2016-2-21 10:41
Dear friends, I am Yvonne, I am glad to join you today, I had focused on this DIOENGLISH for a long time and was hesitating if i join in. Since i am afriad that i will give up soon and do not want to write anymore as i am a little lazy.But yestoday i bought the code and registrate here. The reas ...
Individual Classification: emotion|967 views|4 replies Hot 3


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