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Judging by appearance

Hot 4650 views. 2016-9-6 16:36

<div>There is a saying thatgoes 'don't judge people by their appearance', and almost everyone knows the fact, but only a few of them can put it into practice, so do i.</div><div>Sometimes, we are likely to speculate on the basis of what we've seen or heard rather than to find out the truth , thus then criticize others in our own situation regardless of whether there is something hidden underneath the.shallow water.</div><div>Last month, i saw a mother,followed by her son who kept talking something to her son, but the boy just bending his head without saying a word.</div><div>At first, i reckoned that the boy was so impolite, so i told the thing to a friend of mine. I had thought she would agree with me, but she said that when she was not concordant with her mother, she always remained silent in case of quarrel with her mom and my surmise was unreasonable.</div><div>Actually, a lot truth exposed to people, then overturned by another truth. You can never distinguish which one is genuine.</div><div>Before, as long as i heard something said to be real, i definitely tended to believe it.That was so foolish.</div><div>&nbsp;All i should do is to estimate what's right and not to follow others' one-sided statement.</div>

Post comment Comment (7 replies)

Reply IMNONARCISSUS 2016-9-6 16:50
What you said is really thoughtful.
Reply leomon 2016-9-6 17:42
There are too many people who always judge a person unilaterally,it's really not wise,your message is much impressive.
Reply Heator 2016-9-6 18:01
I agree with you. It's important that we have our own ideas and don’t trend blindly.
Reply sweetapple 2016-9-6 19:00
Seeing is not always believing. To whatever things, we should have our own judgement.
Reply NLRita 2016-9-9 23:08
Heator: I agree with you. It's important that we have our own ideas and don’t trend blindly.
Yes, i am really convinceed of what you said,but it's a little bit hard for us to make it.
Reply NLRita 2016-9-10 15:10
leomon: There are too many people who always judge a person unilaterally,it's really not wise,your message is much impressive.
It is a pleasure for me that you agree with my opinion.I guess maybe the brain of human is controled by consciousness,so sometimes it is high probable for us to judge others by appearance.
Reply NLRita 2016-9-10 15:13
sweetapple: Seeing is not always believing. To whatever things, we should have our own judgement.
Yes, but maybe i take it too far and i think there is philosophical reason hidden behind the surface

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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