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Bro Ming

Hot 3932 views. 2017-8-18 23:28

It is sunny and so hot. The temperature is about 36 degrees, which change the whole company into the fireplace. In the south of China, ......straying from my point. And then let's continue.
My another colleagues gather together in the Xinghu bus stop with me.In 4 pm, I arrive here on time. Later, another 3 people reach the bus stop. We have a chat in the bus. Suddenly, Ming  say he has just sold a motor insurance. Ming is a elder brother of me in the China Life company. Cos he is honest and  well-connected, in addiction, he gets on well with others and concern for his friends so much. be continued.

Post comment Comment (6 replies)

Reply shirleyytt2010 2017-8-19 09:11
It is also hot in Shenzhen city, it was too hot to sleep last night, so bad..
Reply HandsomeAmor 2017-8-19 14:25
After graduation, I may leave for Shenzhen.
Reply Tange 2017-8-19 17:37
i stay in the most hot city (Haikou) ..... compare with me , you are the luck one ...  you are live in the "cool place "
Reply HandsomeAmor 2017-8-20 08:22
Tange: i stay in the most hot city (Haikou) ..... compare with me , you are the luck one ...  you are live in the "cool place "
Let's go to haerbin for cool
Reply wangjide01 2017-8-21 10:27
I curious that why you gather in the bus stop and chat in the bus. Is there a air-condition
Reply HandsomeAmor 2017-8-21 16:55
wangjide01: I curious that why you gather in the bus stop and chat in the bus. Is there a air-condition
haha!    Cos after worktime we was going to visit a colleague. The colleague's families had a trip to Beijing, so she was so alone to invite us to buy food and cook together, which enhanced relationship between us five.   Pleasant communication with interesting girls and cute boys made me so delighted.
You could also get the same feeling.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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