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Hindu Caste System(印度种姓制度)

Hot 42500 views. 2018-5-5 14:17

India, a magic county, appeals tourists all around the world for its unique culture and distinctive architecture. Considered as one of the developing countries, India has a large population as well as takes agriculture as the foundation. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that India occupies the world top list of software engineering, which indicates that Indian people are intelligent and eminent.

However, what attracts me most about India is its caste system, which originates from local myths. Indians hold a strong belief that Brahma creates them. In general, there are four classes in India society. Brahmin(婆罗门) is the mouth of the god, people belong to Brahmin are in charge of sacrificing. Kshatriya(刹帝利) is from the arm of god and plays a role as a ruler. What mentioned above are senior classes people, and they take over the rights and status bequeathed from their ancients. In other words, they are doomed to own respect and wealth as they born, which is unfair to the following lower classes, including Vaisya(吠舍) and Sudra(首陀罗). People belong to theses classes will be servant to senior ones, and the idea is deeply rooted in everyone's mind so much that India is still covered with the shadows of caste system.

While coming under fire, Hindu caste system exerts a profound impact on Indian society, which not only bridles the development of democracy but also infringes the rights of citizens.

Lastly, India is more than an ordinary country in Southeastern Asia, and there are many unearthly secrets worth digging.

Post comment Comment (8 replies)

Reply koofun 2018-5-6 15:32
I am also very interested in Indian caste system with a history of more than two thousand years, which also is abided by and prevail in its neighboring country Nepal. To put it simply, we can judge which position an Indian belongs to and know their status by their complexion. The white are Brahmin. Actually, Indian government has abolished the system, but as the matter stands, the system has penetrated every aspect of Indian life. Therefore, it's hard to utterly eliminate its influence.
Reply Fanning 2018-5-6 16:54
Wow! I think I learned a lot after reading your blog. India is a magic and charming country, meanwhile, it has an ancient civilization, but the caste system does restrain the long-term development and equal human rights of India. Even nowadays it can also exert a profound influence and seems to be ubiquitous in the branches of India.
Reply liondoggy 2018-5-6 20:55
koofun: I am also very interested in Indian caste system with a history of more than two thousand years, which also is abided by and prevail in its neighborin ...
Yes,I agree with you.It is hard to Indian people to get rid of the influence by the caste system.
Reply liondoggy 2018-5-6 21:07
Fanning: Wow! I think I learned a lot after reading your blog. India is a magic and charming country, meanwhile, it has an ancient civilization, but the caste  ...
Yeah,Indian people are still under the shadowa of caste system so that they cant get rid of the gaps conpared with different classes,which is harmful to  human rights.
Reply Germini 2018-5-7 13:01
To be frank, the first surprising thing about India I learnt is its rapid development in electronics technology. And then, I was gradually familiar with its comedy like Three Idiots. Now, after reading your blog, I find its ancient caste system is also interesting and attractive!!
Reply cccccccc 2018-5-7 16:01
I just know little about India. What impress me is their unquel social status. After reading your essay I know other things about it
Reply liondoggy 2018-5-8 14:00
Germini: To be frank, the first surprising thing about India I learnt is its rapid development in electronics technology. And then, I was gradually familiar wi ...
Yes! It is very appealing!
Reply liondoggy 2018-5-8 14:01
cccccccc: I just know little about India. What impress me is their unquel social status. After reading your essay I know other things about it
Yeah,there are many other mysterious things in this magic country.

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