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Hand account

Hot 41749 views. 2018-5-7 18:18

The word "hand account" originated in Japan, referring to the book for life notes, schedule management, painting and collage , but it also refers to the lifestyle of recording daily life by books and pens. The handbook can be classified according to different types of records: diary, study notes, schedule management, memos, foodie accounts, movie notes, reading notes, collages and travel notes.

When it comes to hand account, the most common impression is those beautiful and well-organized pictures and handwritings. So a variety of people think the hand account must be fancy. They even believe if they don't use those beautiful and expensive books and pens, they can't do good hand account.

That's definitely wrong. Hand count does not limit any kind of record carrier or use method, a pen, a book, plus your life, which is probably the entire contents of the hand account. With the development and popularization of the culture of the handbook, the definition of it is constantly being widened. The account has not only referred to these record carriers and methods of use, but more importantly, it represents a sense of ritual, and a lifestyle of using pen and the book to manage your life. Those who write the account, are a group of very hard people in life, they are excited to explore the world, for the ideal and force. For quite a few people, hand accounts are no longer simple hobbies, but good friends who can help to understand life better, change lives, and even create an ideal life.

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Reply Vivian_Lee666 2018-5-7 21:15
In my opinion, developing a good habit requires patience and stamina. Sticking to the goal you look forward, you will accomplish it. I believe you can.
Reply skye 2018-5-8 10:19
I can still remember one day of the last semester I bought a notebook online, starting to do my hand account. However,  it only lasts for about two weeks. I agree with you that you don’t need fancy pens or books to do your hand account but you do need persistence and good handwriting, or you can easily quit. I always think you have such a good writing, and I suppose you must do an excellent hand account!
Reply Helina 2018-5-8 18:01
Hand account is a good habit. It can help us keep track of our daily chores and build our endurance. In fact, I know there are many advantages to record the hand account, but I have no patience to do it for a long time.
Reply 舌甘木昜 2018-5-8 20:20
What you said had a point. The sense of ritual, achievement and happiness hand account brings cannot be replaced by other pastime. Besides, I do believe that doing hand account will help you manage your time well and become organized. I really envy those who can write fantastic accounts because they are the winners of their own lives. However, for me, I don't have time to write accounts and I am forgetful.
Reply lv. 2018-5-8 22:17
Vivian_Lee666: In my opinion, developing a good habit requires patience and stamina. Sticking to the goal you look forward, you will accomplish it. I believe you can ...
I once gave up doing my hand account because I thought I can't do it beaufully. Now, I realized what is most important and I can and would keep this habit.
Reply lv. 2018-5-8 22:22
skye: I can still remember one day of the last semester I bought a notebook online, starting to do my hand account. However,  it only lasts for about two we ...
Thank you!!! Now I focus more on its function on time management. I hope that can help me organize my time better and get rid of procrastination. I hope you can also make full use of the hand account in that it can help you a lot.
Reply lv. 2018-5-8 22:26
Helina: Hand account is a good habit. It can help us keep track of our daily chores and build our endurance. In fact, I know there are many advantages to reco ...
I believe if you don't treat handwriting as a task but a tool to help you live better, you'll stick better. Of course, interest and persistence are also essential.
Reply lv. 2018-5-8 22:33
舌甘木昜: What you said had a point. The sense of ritual, achievement and happiness hand account brings cannot be replaced by other pastime. Besides, I do belie ...
In fact, hand account can help you to reduce forgetting, which is one of the main functions of it. In addition, the reason I wrote this article is to explain that hand account do not require very neat writing and beautiful illustrations, so the pocket book does not actually require a lot of time.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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