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  • Antique.Luc published a new blog 2-22 22:00
    Timing List of Working Day
    Whatever, I must travel across the city two times a day to go to work, making full use of common transport of the city. To avoid being late in ...
Another Stealing fire - Mental Flow 2019-08-18
  I learned about the conception of Mental Flow from a TV program of introducing new books. This time, the TV presenter interpreted a new boo ...
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Recording Weekly 2019-08-17
This is Saturday, the final day of this week. Whatever it may be also the second last day, based on our own calculating habit in China. A ...
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Another diary of my colleague: Annual Inspection Expired? 2019-08-17
The Djiboutians are generally amicable to our Chinese living in Djibouti. They often greet us warmly “Ni Hao”, when we were walking in st ...
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Translate an article of my colleague : Who Pulled the Fuse Out? 2019-05-01
" Around 10 a.m., power cut took place, which is a common thing in Djibouti. And then, self-provided diesel generator was launched automatica ...
(891) Views|(0) Replies
Say Hello in Djibouti 2019-05-01
(825) Views|(0) Replies

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