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Rich VS Poor

Hot 1567 views. 2021-8-4 17:04 |Individual Classification:Private daily diary

One day  a father and his rich family took his young son on a trip to the country with the firm purpose to show
 him how poor people can be .They spend a day and a night in the farm of a very poor family .When they got back from their trip the farther asked his son ,How was the trip ?"
     "very good ,Dad!"
      "Did you see how poor people can be ?"the farther asked.
       “And what did you learn ?”
      The son answered ,“i  saw that we have a dog at home ,and they have four .We have a pool that reaches to the middle of the garden ,they have a creek that has no end 。We have imported lamps in the garden ,they have the stars .Our patio reaches to the front yard,they have a whole horizon..
     When the little boy was finishing,his father was speechless.His son added,"Thanks,Dad for showing me how poor we are !"
     Isn't it true that that it all depends on the way you look at things ?if tou have love ,friends ,family health ,good humor and a positive attitude toward life,you've got everything!
   You cant buy any of these things ,You can have all the material possessions you can imagine ,proisions for the future ,etc,but if you are roor of spirit ,you have nothing !

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Reply teadrinking 2021-8-5 09:30
When it comes to reality, people still seek money rather than the so-called spiritual wealth. Surely after achieving the basic needs of materials, we are likely to be looking for higher pursuit. Of course whenever and wherever we are, it does not hamper us from owning a dream of a wonderland.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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