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regret the bad leaning status in my childhood.

305 views. 2021-9-7 08:46

I really recognize my knowledge is so insufficient in modern society!  I remember that I had been a bad student when I was in primary school period. I had done every things what I could do at that time expect learning.

I considered that  leaning knowledge was bored and useless. Therefor , I always out of school . sleeping all day at home. I stole money to net bar from home. Play the internet games, watch the porn video. My parents and teachers had even thought I would violate the law and be sent to prison very soon.

fortunately, I didn't violate the lat and become a prisoner . I just became a normal people who didn't have any special skill.

When I grow up , I become a father for two children. I feel that my competitive ability in this modern society is too weak to get a height salary job. I start to learn English by myself . But this way is not good. but , I get a international trade job.

Now , I am a vender in Alibaba platform to sell something medical equipment to get a litter profit.

I am paying for the cost for my casual live at old time.

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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